Ted Bird
Ted Bird, who left CHOM in January and has been looking for another job since, has picked up a new gig as a weekly sports commentator at CFCF, the station announced today.
Bird, who since leaving the station has started up a personal blog, a Twitter account and a blog for The Gazette, will be offering his take on the world of sports during the Monday newscast at 6pm and 11:30pm (or, more accurately, during Sports Night at 11:45, head honcho Jed Kahane confirms), starting the day after the closing ceremony of the Olympics (March 1).
Stories at CTV and The Gazette.
Here’s the release:
For Immediate Release – Monday, February 22nd, 2010
Bird Lands at CTV
Montreal radio personality jumps from morning drive to supper-hour screen:
CTV is pleased to announce that veteran Montreal morning man Ted Bird is returning to the airwaves as part of the city’s #1 English language Sports team.
Every Monday on CTV News at 6pm & 11:30pm, Ted will weigh in with his ‘Bird’s Eye View’ on the world of sports.
“I’m flattered by CTV’s confidence in me and excited about broadening my broadcast horizons into the television milieu”, said Bird. “I’m especially grateful for the opportunity to reconnect with everyone who’s taken the time to say they miss hearing my voice. Sadly, you now get the face as well”.
“Ted’s quick wit and solid sports analysis have earned him a loyal following with Montrealers”, said Jed Kahane, CTV’s Director of News and Public Affairs. “We’re delighted to be able to get him back on the air with this weekly commentary”.
“Bird’s Eye View” will begin airing on CTV on Monday, March 1st.
UPDATE: Bird tells me this opportunity came through a lunch he had with CFCF veteran Cindy Sherwin, whom he worked with at CJFM way back when. (Let this be a lesson folks: Networking is what gets you jobs.) That led to discussions with Kahane, who decided to bring Bird on.
Bird also recognizes that having a spot on the most-watched anglo newscast in Montreal will give him a lot more exposure than a blog on the Gazette website, and he laments on that blog that he’ll start to be recognized by his face as much as his voice.
UPDATE (Feb. 24): CFCF is running 30-second ads promoting the new segment with Bird walking through Central Station.
Copy/pasting press releases? tsk tsk =P
Normally I’d link to press releases, but in this case it was emailed to me. So long as it’s clearly labelled as such, I don’t see a problem.
Ted Bird is a tool!
Yes, but is he a screwdriver or a power drill?
I can’t believe I got slagged off by someone named “Alvin.” This is truly the end.
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