CBC to rename itself the Canadian Belonging Channel

CBC Belong

A week after Radio-Canada announced it was rebranding itself as “Ici”, the CBC has taken a similar turn and will also soon be adopting a new name. The announcement is set for tomorrow, but three independent sources have told me the new name will be the Canadian Belonging Channel, keeping the same CBC abbreviation.

That’s for television, anyway. But other media will continue with this theme, with the word “belong” playing a big part. Similar to “Ici Première” and “Ici Musique”, the radio networks will be called “Belong One” and “Belong T[w]o” (the brackets are their addition, not mine).

According to what I’ve been told, the CBC plans a lot of word play with this, not only with the word belong but its first two letters “be”. “Be short, be long, be Canadian” is one suggested slogan, though it’s not clear if that’s one they’ll use.

Like with Radio-Canada, the official name of the company, which is set by Parliament, won’t change. It will remain the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. This exercise will be merely a rebranding effort.

I agree the CBC is due for a rebranding, just like any other media, but I’m not sure about the “belong” theme. I guess we’ll have to see when it’s rolled out.

Oh, and in case you’re curious, I’m told the font used for the word “belong” here is Avenir Light. Interpret that how you will.

2 thoughts on “CBC to rename itself the Canadian Belonging Channel

  1. Emily Gray

    Considering the number of news stories the CBC news website has had recently about a certain Canadian pop star, my sister has suggested that “CBC” stands for “Constant Bieber Channel.”


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