Media News Digest: BNN partners with Bloomberg, TSB releases Lapierre crash report, Métro buyer drops out

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4 thoughts on “Media News Digest: BNN partners with Bloomberg, TSB releases Lapierre crash report, Métro buyer drops out

  1. dilbert

    The FX numbers of scripted series isn’t surprising. First off, Netflix, Amazon, and the like have brought series in. Also, many of these series are incredibly short. So instead of 24 – 26 weeks of series (and repeats all summer) they have running “series” that are only 6 to 10 shows long, and then not repeating them. So they need more new series to fill in the wholes, at about a 3 to 1 ratio.

    It should also be said that Netflix and Amazon in particular are heavy in the short rotations as they are trying to justify people paying $X per month for service on a month to month basis. It’s very easy to walk away from these services (unlike cable) and so they are in the position of having to have fresh stuff every week, every month, all year long to try to maintain and grow their subscriber base.

    The death of most of the reality based TV programs and the “news magazine” style shows doesn’t hurt either. It’s not that long ago that NBC was running dateline 3 or 4 times a week, which was insane!

  2. Anonymous

    I hope that now Videotron will finally give us BNN Bloomberg in HD. It has up to present only made Bloomberg available in hi-def, but not BNN. Can you confirm whether Videotron will do the smart move towards this?

    1. Fagstein Post author

      There has been no announcement either way on this, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they did upgrade BNN to HD. They make these decisions based on customer demand, so be sure to let them know that’s what you want.


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