Journal de Québec lockout: six months later

LCN has a report on the Journal de Québec strike/lockout, which is now 6 months old. Naturally, the union-says-this/employer-says-that news package doesn’t disclose the fact that TVA/LCN and the Journal are owned by the same company.

Meanwhile, workers on the picket lines were warmly received by union leaders across the country, and their strike paper MédiaMatinQuébec is still going strong with the help of enthusiastic advertising from local businesses.

UPDATE (Oct. 26): I totally missed this feature by The Gazette’s David Johnston on the lockout/strike, as well as an accompanying analysis piece on crossover reporting. Both concentrate on journalists being asked to take photos or video in addition to writing articles, which saves money but produces crappy quality of both.

1 thoughts on “Journal de Québec lockout: six months later

  1. DAVE ID

    It’s no big secret to even the layest of Quebecois that JDQ and TVA are commonly owned. Even though I strongly believe in disclosure.

    On another note, PKP will let this drag on until the folks at JDQ are broken, like he did with Videotron where union members had lost their homes in the process of fighting.


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