My protest is better than your protest

Tomorrow afternoon, the day before the St. Patrick’s parade, it will probably be best to avoid downtown streets, because you’ll find yourself in the middle of a protest you might not agree with.

At 12:30pm, protesters gather at Ste. Catherine and McGill College to protest against the Saskatchewan seal hunt, which is starting up again for another season. Killing seals is apparently evil for some reason.

At the same time, a protest against the war in Afghanistan gathers at the corner of Peel and René-Lévesque. I guess that means they either haven’t read the Manley report (PDF) or they agree that it was obviously a huge government conspiracy to force the mission to be extended and funnel defence spending to … uhh… the corporations… yeah.

So whom do you value more? Seals or Afghanis?

2 thoughts on “My protest is better than your protest

  1. Matt Brett

    I’ve not only read the Manley report, but the Oxfam Research Report:

    I’ll continue to read reports and news coverage as well, and I look forward to joining thousands of Canadians across the country against the war.

    You’re welcome to blog on it, and there will be a live feed from our latest national TV network:

  2. JoNike

    Il y avait aussi la manifestation contre la brutalité policière et la manifestation de anonymous contre l’Église de scientologie. Un samedi chargée pour les policiers j’imagine.


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