Sue Smith
CBC Montreal has announced that Sue Smith, currently the host of CBC Television’s Living Montreal program, will take over as the host of Radio Noon on CBC Radio One. Her first show as its permanent host will be one month from today, on March 16.
Radio Noon, which airs across Quebec from noon to 2pm weekdays, has been without a permanent host since Anne Lagacé-Dowson left to run as a candidate for the NDP in a federal by-election. They’ve been trying to fill it since August while relying on guest hosts, most recently Steve Rukavina.
I’m sure Sue Smith will do a good job but I’ll always have a special place in m heart for Steve Rukavina. He’s the best!
That’s too bad, I was hoping she would push Bernie “I have no idea why I’m still on the radio” St-Laurent off of Homerun. I was kinda getting used to and enjoying Steve at noon.
I like Sue Smith, so I hope I will continue to enjoy Radio Noon. However Steve Rukavina was excellent, and it’s too bad to be exchanging one good host for another. I suppose we’ll never know if Steve was passed over for the job?
One of the problems with Rukavina (though CBC would never admit this publicly) is that with Mike Finnerty in the morning and Bernard St-Laurent in the afternoon (plus Dave Bronstetter on weekends), hiring Rukavina permanently would create an all-male lineup of local show hosts.
True that! But there is also all-female lineup of management at CBC, so why not an all-male on-air-line lineup.
And, by the way I think Sue Smith is an excellent choice.
But can Sue Smith talk politics? I already miss Steve.
keep steve
I was hoping Susan Bell would get the Radio Noon gig. She’s just disappeared.
Steve was also doing an excellent job.
yes, Steve was an excellent and special host, kind, warm, smart, something gifted. Sue smith is quite personable but not in the same league sorry. If anyone watched Living Montreal, a great show, (cancelled)?, she doesn’t always projected a genuine charachter, appearing somewhat forced obnoxious palying around in the opening’s , not her thing. I am sure she will be great but Steve should come back and do something, not leave. I understand he has a young daughter, he will be missed. Did he have a special goodbye??? I missed it.
Thanks for listening.
Far as I know Steve doesn’t have a daughter…unless he has been hiding her.
Should of kept Steve, really good all around. Smart, funny, and honest. What a great personality!