The Telethon of Stars (left to right): Tania Krywiak, Lori Graham, Jed Kahane, Michel Lanteigne (foundation chair), Claudia Marques, Paul Karwatsky, Randy Tieman (photo: Telethon of Stars)
Aww, don’t they look adorable?
The Telethon of Stars, which aired last weekend on CFCF but didn’t air on V (formerly TQS), raised just under $4 million for research into children’s diseases. That’s a noticeable drop from last year’s $4.2 million, and well off the record of over $5 million, but considering how hurt the campaign could have been from the loss of a French audience (the CTV telethon was “bilingual”, though as you can see it was still a CTV event), it’s not bad.
Donations are still being accepted until Dec. 31. Be sure to kick in a few extra bucks as you raise your middle finger toward the Rémillard brothers.