Mutsumi Takahashi is really happy about CTV Montreal's employment equity award
CTV’s Herb Luft drew the short straw today and got to report on his workplace being honoured by the federal government for employment equity. According to his report (video), the station scored straight As in all four categories: women, aboriginals, visible minorities and people with disabilities.
Though there are definitely women and visible minorities (Mutsumi Takahashi fills two of those slots simultaneously, as do Maya Johnson (below), Danielle Hamamdjian and others who aren’t listed on the station’s almost-all-white host bios page), I haven’t seen any aboriginal people in visible positions, nor any people with disabilities (unless you count Stéphane Giroux’s accent).

CTV Montreal reporter Maya Johnson: Brown and loving it
All that said, kudos to CTV Montreal.
On the aboriginal side, Karlie Goodleaf? But she allegedly got rung up with a host of others on drug and gun charges.
LMAO @ the Stephane Giroux comment!!!
Your comment about Stephane isn’t nice at all. Since when having someone with a French accent is condisered a handicap? I bet his English is better than your French will ever be.
Ms Goodleaf is still an incrediable reporter! Innocent until proven guilty.
Although I never thought I would EVER say this until the day I die, I must concur and agree with Heather on her above point concerning Stephane Giroux. He is an excellent reporter, he communicates the facts and information in a presentable and understandable style, and he connects with the audience. I can certainly understand Stephane far better than some of the marble-mouth mumble-jumble that has emanated from Marselis Parsons at WCAX.