Lisette Lapointe, the PQ candidate in Crémazie riding (and Jacques Parizeau's wife), campaigns in the Sauvé metro station last week.
The polls are now open in 75 125 ridings (my civics knowledge sucks) across Quebec, and the voters have 22.5 10.5 hours (my math sucks) to make their choice. Polls close at 8pm tonight.
If you need help, the DGEQ website has information available. If you’re not registered to vote, sorry, but you’re screwed. Unlike in federal elections, Quebec doesn’t allow registration on voting day. The deadline was last Friday. Better luck next time.
Now go vote. I’ll be busy editing election copy tonight, but I’ll see you in the aftermath. Be sure to let your local journalist know of voting-day irregularities.
TV results schedule
For those watching the returns on TV tonight, here’s what the networks are planning:
- RDI’s election special starts first at 6:30pm, a full hour and a half before polls close. Rad-Can joins in at 7:30.
- CBC and Newsworld have live coverage starting at 8 p.m.
- CTV Montreal has local anchors Todd Van der Heyden and Mutsumi Takahashi quarterbacking coverage starting at 8 p.m. CTV Newsnet will be picking up the feed from CTV Montreal, also starting at 8.
- TVA and LCN go all-election at 8.
- Global Quebec, not wanting to give up Prison Break and Heroes, only goes live at 10pm.
- CPAC has no scheduled election coverage
- TQS will have wall-to-wall election coverage with live returns throughout the night and reports from hundreds of journalists based in all 125 ridings and … oh just kidding, they’re ignoring it entirely. Maybe André Arthur will mention it tomorrow.
Online, most news outlets will be running data from Canadian Press. I’d recommend CBC or the DGEQ website directly for results.
More like 10.5 hours !
There are 125 ridings in a Provincial Election. :-)
75 is for Federal elections….
Um, 10.5 hours, right? 9:30 to 8