The local media came out in force to cover the Alouettes’ Grey Cup parade, especially on TV, which really surprised me.
I was stuck in the crowd, but here are some photos I got of the TV media covering the party afterward.

The CTV tent

Brian Wilde with Damon Duval's insanely hot wife.

CTV and RDS tents side by side

Ken Connors in the Global TV tent (Global covered the parade mostly form their studio). The TVA tent is on the right.

Even cameramen need a break sometimes.

Production people contort themselves in odd ways to stay out of the camera's view

Wilde interviews Paul Lambert moments before he goes on stage. Lambert's a Montreal-born anglo so naturally a favourite of the CFCF crew.

Lambert taps Randy Tieman on the back to say hi. Alouettes players are much closer to the few reporters who cover them than Canadiens players are to the media circus that follows them everywhere.

The RDS crew turn around to watch the player introductions on stage. Good God those jackets are awful.

I believe that's Pierre Vercheval (a former Alouette) signing a football.

Rue Frontenac was there

Brian Wilde and a fan

A camera on a platform points toward the stage.

Little-known fact: Due to CBC budget cuts, Michel Godbout doubles as a delivery man for Quiznos.

Just kidding. He's a serious reporter man, after all.

Tania Krywiak gives a thumbs up at someone spelling her name correctly.

Als GM Jim Popp with the RDS guys

Cameraman at the RDS tent focuses on the big shiny thing on the table.
I see you on TV. Can we be friends?
There’s this thing about local TV people, people want their pictures taken with them. I’ve never quite understood the concept.
But hey, as long as they’re all having fun, who am I to judge? I go to parties and take pictures of TV reporters. We’re all strange in our own way.
good luck boys, i have always enjoyed watching you guys, very sound & professional .Larry