Concordian sorry for offending Muslims

The Concordian has issued an apology to Muslim students after a recent cover of the paper had the word “Allah” apparently used in such a way that was considered offensive to some. They realized this after copies of their paper went missing, apparently taken and destroyed by offended students.

Ironically, the editor says he she checked with two Muslims to see if they were offended before the paper went to print. Clearly he didn’t check with fanatic enough people.

6 thoughts on “Concordian sorry for offending Muslims

  1. Fagstein Post author

    I can’t seem to find it online. Nor can I find much outrage about it on the local Muslim/activist websites. Maybe this just wasn’t a big deal?

  2. Fagstein Post author

    That’s because their website run by a U.S.-based cookie-cutter college newspaper website company. And they don’t remember to look into things like this.


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