At their general assembly today, locked-out employees of the Journal de Montréal voted near-unanimously in favour of a strike (which is redundant, but symbolic) and to reject the latest contract offer from the employer. (Via Steve Proulx)
UPDATE: Le Devoir has a story today about the vote and the union’s plans.
In other Journal news:
- Le Devoir’s Paul Cauchon has an analysis of the situation, which he says could go on for a long time. He also mentions that Pierre Karl Péladeau got a 28% pay raise last year, so the economic crisis must not be hurting him too badly.
- Steve Proulx continues his Journal freelance columnist scab watch. Richard Martineau, as expected, refuses to stop writing because he’s not in the union and the union has done nothing for him as a freelancer (Richard Therrien says he’s disappointed). Daniel Green is out, as are Jacques Demers and Martin Brodeur.
- Cécile Gladel goes into more depth about freelancers and strike/lockout papers, which is not as simple an issue as some might think.
- Branchez-Vous summarizes Pierre Karl Péladeau’s two-page argument in this morning’s paper about how the union is bleeding Quebecor to death and they must be stopped. Separately, Michel Dumais has an analysis of the paper and its future.
- Patrick Lagacé is getting impatient for news to start flowing out of Rue Frontenac.
- The Journal de Québec, who have totally been there, are trying to support their colleagues, though their options are limited because they can’t refuse to have their articles reprinted in the JdM.
- A piece on ProjetJ about how Quebecor is abusing its powers of media ownership.
- One blogger (and I’m sure not the only one) wonders if it’s really such a loss for journalism, considering some of the front pages the Journal saw before the lockout.
Moi, je suis une pigiste; Martineau est un scab. Un scab dans l’âme … how should we say that in English, “a scab in his very soul”?
How dare he malign pigistes. I’d also like to call him a media whore, but once again, that would malign sex workers.