Former TQS tech reporter Jean-Michel Vanasse kicks off the PodCamp Montreal conference with a talk on new media
On Sept. 19-20 I attended the PodCamp Montreal conference, and a smattering of the 40 seminars given there. Fortunately, bring a technology conference a lot of it was recorded, twittered, photographed (some by me) or otherwise saved. So for those who missed it, I’ve collected some resources below. Some are videos from the UStream feeds that were setup in two of the four rooms. A few are my own videos taken through the iSight camera on my laptop. And others are blog posts or posted slides from the presentations.
Day 1:
Des médias traditionnels aux nouveaux médias
Top tips for better blogging
by Kim Vallée
The architecture for (podcasting) happiness
Twitter and open government
by Tracy Rose
Docteur Balado
by Sylvain Grand’Maison and Bob Goyetche
Sex, trust & transparency: What would Donald Draper blog?
by CT Moore
Editing speech as if it were music
by John Meadows
- Audio (WAV) (via)
- Audio (MP3) (via)
Fuck me, I’m famous on Facebook!
Top blogueur
by Kim Vallée, Éric Bolduc, Gabrielle Chalifoux, Cindy Laverdière, moderated by Michelle Sullivan
Building a podcast with Status.Net
Connecting with your peeps
Connaissez-vous votre auditoire? Des réseaux sociaux à la statistique
Utilisation des médias sociaux par les médias traditionnels: l’expérience de RDI Matin et RDI Matin Weekend
by Louis Lemieux and Philippe Marcoux
Podcasting: Now & Zen
Death and Digital Legacy in Social Media
Free & Slick
Comment développer le lectorat de votre blogue?
by Julien Smith
Le Québec et le gouvernement 2.0
Creating richer and more meaningful relationships
by Mark Yerbury

Christian Aubry records presentations at PodCamp
Day 2:
Journalisme 2.0
What’s so “social” about “social media”?
Podcasting and freemium: a match made in heaven
by Jacob Fortin
Utiliser les CMS et autres outils pour construire sa présence web
by Bernard Prince
Podcast Vidéo 101: Les meilleurs caméras, logiciels, plateforme et stratégies de promotion Web
Shit I should bring to your attention
- Video (skip to one-hour mark)
Le podcast comme outil en éducation
- Video (WMV)
- PDF of presentation slides (Google Docs)
- Blog post
La loi silence rien
by Botrax Diaz
Questions ouvertes à Michelle Blanc
Children can change the world
by Allan Isfan
Le web 2.0 sauvera-t-il l’indutrie de la musique?
Toward a new blogocracy: democratizing mass media
by Kota Talla
Que faire avec moins de 50 000 auditeurs
Definitely not your father’s accounting firm
by Duncan Stewart & Katheline Jean-Pierre
Musique 2.0: Perte de temps? Ennemi? Solution? Discussions!
with Jacynthe Plamondon-Émond, Pierre B. Gourde, Jean-Robert Bisaillon, moderated by Marc-André Laporte
8 weeks into Twitter: the basics
Le journalisme “open sources” et ses relations avec les médias indépendants
We are not in Blogland anymore, Toto!
Le côté humain du marketing viral: on partage?
Les médias sociaux, les jeunes et l’école … une collision en vue?
by André Roux
Did I miss anything? Slides or resources, add them in the comments below.
UPDATE (Dec. 8): New audio for Botrax Diaz’s talk “La loi silence rien”
this is amazing. thanks steve. i had wanted to take in at least a big of podcamp but never made it. thanks dd
Thanks Steve for this GREAT post. You do the work for us ;)
BTW, I’ve uploaded thevideo of Deloitte’s conference: “Definitely not your father s accounting firm!”.
Steve, Thank you so much! I’ll help spread the word. The PodCamp Toronto organizing team is beginning to ramp up for next year. Hopefully someone will share a post like this when the time comes.
Fantastic Steve – thanks very much. I’ve tweeted a link to this page through the PodCamp Montreal channel in the hopes that everyone who attended (or who wanted to attend) will check it out.
Suggesting something like this for next year’s PodCamp Montreal just happened to be on my to-do list for the PodCamp Montreal postmortem that is set to happen this week. We’re pretty good at organizing the event, but afterwards are so exhausted that we’re weak on the followup. Thanks for picking up where we left off! Greatly appreciated.