Elias Makos in 2013, before entering television puberty.
Elias Makos, who announced last week he was suddenly leaving Citytv’s Breakfast Television Montreal, has been hired at CJAD to host the 9am to noon show, replacing Leslie Roberts, who leaves at the end of this week.
The news was announced on CJAD’s newscast on Monday, via Bell Media press release, and with a post on CJAD’s website.
The not-very-creatively-named Elias Makos Show will feature “breaking news, debate, interviews, and discussion with listeners,” with a goal to not reinvent the wheel, Makos tells the Gazette’s Bill Brownstein.
In addition to CJAD hosting duties, Makos will be an online media analyst for CTV Montreal, returning to a role he had previously held on a freelance basis before joining BT.
Makos starts in his new roles on Dec. 31.
Update: A confidential source close to Elias Makos, whom I’ll name Malias Ekos, informs me that Mr. Makos doesn’t look like the picture above anymore. My source managed to acquire this image of Makos as he appears currently.

Elias Makos in 2018.
Never heard of him, but he’s GOT to be better than Leslie Roberts.
He was a host of a low rated Montreal morning show with an ensemble cast.
He was my favorite on Breakfast Television. He will be the only reason I tune into CJAD
He looks much older with the beard.
Did they ever really seriously consider hiring a woman?
I wish CJAD would give Jay Farrar his own show. They always go outside for new talent when they clearly have it within their ranks already. Some of the best things going on during the morning/early afternoon shows is the banter with Jay.
This is great news.
“with a goal to not reinvent the wheel”
Okay. Don’t reinvent the wheel. But at the very least get a new set of performance tires. Something CJAD really needs.
He’s walking into the dead zone of Montreal talk radio. 9 to noon is a time frame that Tommy pretty much decimated for a decade, teaching most people to turn the radio off or to move to another station. An entire generation of Montrealers have learned not to listen to CJAD in the mornings, except on the weekend.
Leslie Roberts apparently did little to change that. Most of the comments here and around the web suggest few will miss his morning show, it was bland and seemed to hit people are self serving and not really entertaining. So Elias Makos has a big hill to climb, overcoming all of this.
Suggestion for Bell: You perhaps need to get away from “Insert Name Here Show” and work on coming up with an overall concept that people might actually be interested in listening to coming off the morning show. Hard politics after breakfast and long running anglo angst wasn’t working out. Perhaps it’s time to consider what works in other media, what drives that time frame. You might do better.
Well put. I could not agree more. I certainly wish Makos the best of luck. I imagine to carry 3 hours of any show by oneself is a daunting task.
I do not understand the whole internet analytics thing in 2019. Why would CTV or CJAD need to have someone on to do this for them? 10-15 years ago sure it was a great addition to the news. It seems as redundant as Blockbuster now. We have kids to take care of that for us. LOL. We all know how Google works.
I know he rubs many people the wrong way. I like him.
If this turns out to be a campaign for the Expos I will not tune in.
We are routing for you Elias.
I don’t think “internet analytics” is a good description of what he does. It’s more about following what’s happening online and on social media. Yes, everyone has Google and Facebook, but you have to know what you’re looking for.
Very entertaining, and informative guy.
Dilbert is right. Tommy drove me to CBC and I was much happier for it. Instead of listening to bitching and moaning by bizarre, lonely shutins there was interesting guests and ideas. In the age of podcasts, cjad should just fold up shop. No young people will listen to talk radio and replace the old and dying audience of cjad…
They have been trying by shifting to younger hosts, more modern music for show bumps, and things like that. But radio (especially talk radio) is a linear thing in a multitasking world. Younger people are looking for the fast forward button that doesn’t exist!
I like him…all the best!
I miss him when he is away on vacations. I like his voice and though I don’t always agree with him he is
doing a fine job. I like hearing about his Father. Also in general I like hearing tidbits on Elias Makos personal experiences. It puts a human picture to the whole listening experience.
Dec. 13, 2023
Elias Makos spends way too much time ranting on and on about how he loves baseball, the heyday of the defunct Expos, and how we should spend millions and/or billions on new stadiums–money better spent on what is way more important and what our taxpayers want.
Once he starts ruminating, he can’t stop–which is when I turn down the volume to a whisper until he finishes.
He praises South Korea and the U.S. with all of their disposable wealth and capability to built state-of-the-art stadiums as if Canada (never mind Quebec) could ever match such extravagance and shouldn’t.
Enough already.