Media News Digest: Quebec hearings, RIP Comedy Gold/CosmoTV/IFC, Bergman replaces McMahon at The Beat

News about news

News and the federal election

At the CRTC

Ethical reviews





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Good reads

  • A good breakdown of how the G7 leaders released photos that, for the most part, distorted reality to make it seem as if they were leading the other leaders.


*Correction: I was off by one on the Canucks games’ regional/national split because of a typo on Sportsnet’s website.

7 thoughts on “Media News Digest: Quebec hearings, RIP Comedy Gold/CosmoTV/IFC, Bergman replaces McMahon at The Beat

  1. Irwin Block

    Hi Steve: What happened to Gazette managing editor Basem Boshra? Why was Jeremy Zafran replaced as traffic guy on Home Run? Can you shed some light?

    1. Fagstein Post author

      What happened to Gazette managing editor Basem Boshra?

      He left his job to take another running the online news operation at CTV Montreal.

      I don’t know why Zafran was replaced on CBC Radio.

  2. Dilbert

    A metric sh-tton of news and information, a lot to digest.

    I am trying to figure out the Comedy Gold thing. They paid 6.8 million, and then shut it down? Where is the value? Is it a reserved distribution slot for whatever comes next?

  3. Dilbert

    A suggestion for you, Mr Fagstein sir… since this is such a big single post, have you considered just setting each section out as a post, and then using the scheduler to have them appear day after day? It would encourage discussion, I think!

    1. Fagstein Post author

      That’s a possibility. But then some sections wouldn’t have the latest news when they’re posted. One of these days I’ll come up with a better system both for readers and for my schedule.

  4. Solanges

    There are 36 national games for the Canucks with 13 of them on Sportsnet (46 regional games all on SN Pacific). The games on SN360 have two of them with a regional channel and the third one is also on SN1.


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