12 thoughts on “Caption Catherine Cullen

  1. Robert H.

    Disappointed as I thought that there would be an article other than a picture of Catherine Cullen. Where is Catherine from? What schooling and TV experience does she have?

    1. Fagstein Post author

      Disappointed as I thought that there would be an article other than a picture of Catherine Cullen. Where is Catherine from? What schooling and TV experience does she have?

      Clearly you’ve missed the concept. But since I know Catherine, I can tell you she’s from Pierrefonds via Ottawa, and graduated from Concordia’s graduate diploma journalism program in 2005, getting a job at the CBC not long after, first in radio and then in television.

  2. Pefder Magfrok

    Hey, want to see my Elizabeth Warren impression? Wait, wait, ok, oh chuckle chuckle, ok wait ok here goes.

    Ha Ha Ha Ha giggle, giggle. Wait. It cracks me up, sorry, let me try again.

    Ok, oh no ha ha HAHAHA ha ha giggle chuckle, wheeze, snork, -breathe girl breathe- ok here goes.

    BwaaaahhahahaaaHAHAHAHAhahahhaha, ok never mind, now, oh jeez, now I gotta go to the bathroom…

  3. Trey Droll

    ” Commander Hatfield is showing the audience the effects of gravity on certain body parts. But back on earth it’s only like this”


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