Nothing says environmentalism like the NHL

For those of you wondering when Québec solidaire would sell out to the lowest common denominator: They’ve added “bring hockey games back to Radio-Canada” to their platform.

As for their argument that so many people don’t have access to RDS, I’d point out that only 13% of households with televisions in Canada don’t have cable or satellite service, and that number is going down. It’s not trivial, but it’s not that big either.

2 thoughts on “Nothing says environmentalism like the NHL

  1. Michel

    Only 13% of households may not have cable, but then again, depending on the package you choose with cable/satellite, you may not have access to RDS either. Nor, in that, TQS either.
    So, to tell the truth, I wouldn’t mind having the Habs on SRC.

  2. Tym Machine

    As my good friend Howard Galganov pointed out a few months ago, the French version of “Hockey night in Canada” was called in French “La soirée du hockey”. Did you ever wonder why as an English person the word Canada was not part of the title in French? To ask the question is to answer it right? I guess you don’t need me to explain it, do you? It’s the same reason why they do not sing the national anthem in public school in Québec, not to offend you know who.

    Perhaps, you don’t remember but once they did not sing the “O Canada” at a baseball game of the now long ago forgotten Expos of Montreal, it was June 24th just before the game. Since the protocol was requiring that the anthem was to be played anyway, they did it 5 hours before the game in front of an empty stadium.

    As for Quebec solidaire proposal…well first of all, you are talking about a party that can never gather more than 5% of the vote. Separatists will vote for the PQ whether they are heading left or right, some will even vote ADQ and in rare cases, they’ll vote liberals but they are still nationalists anyway.

    Their proposal is as relevant as their party as their extreme leftist position, as their party plateform bunch of non-sense and clichés about how leftists they can be as their non-sensical leftist constitutional position that is separatist sure but most of all, leftist as hell.


    Tym Machine


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