The Suburban came out with a new design this week.
Among the more noticeable changes (which editor Beryl Wajsman note in his article on Page 3) are a new flag, some front-page teasers to stories inside, and a redesigned Page 2 with municipal briefs and photos.

The Suburban: Pages 2-3
Compare these with last week’s issue:

The Suburban Aug. 12, 2009, Pages 2-3
The structure of the paper is the same. Still three editions (West Island, “city” and East End), still with lots of stories jumping from page to page wherever they fit over the ads, and still the same cliché suburbanite editorial stance (this week: photo radar is a cash grab!)
Indeed as per the photos they had up a big sign at “Italian Week”, though I fail to see what is remotely suburban about boulevard St-Laurent between St-Zotique and Jean-Talon. Sure, some of the people attending were from suburbs, but that is true of all CITY events.
“Still three editions (West Island, “city” and East End)”
That’s funny. For years I have thought that the one delivered to me was the Jerusalem Post.