Nancy Wood moves to investigative reporting

Nancy Wood

From CBC’s Facebook page:

News about Nancy

We know that there is some curiosity about Nancy Wood’s next assignment at CBC and we have some news that we’re happy to share. Nancy will start work representing English services within Radio-Canada’s investigative journalism unit. They are as delighted to be working with one of the CBC’s top journalists as she is to join this prestigious team. She will produce regular reports for CBC radio, CBC television and Nancy will be working alongside the excellent reporters and producers from Radio-Canada doing the groundbreaking investigative work the unit is famous for. You can expect to see her on television and hear her on radio starting in September.

If you have any brown envelopes full of scandal, you can send them to her at: Local A-18, Société Radio-Canada, 1400, René-Lévesque Est, Montréal Quebec, H2L 2M2

Or if it’s a virtual envelope you’re slipping her, her email remains

We all wish her the best in her new assignment,

Pia Marquard
Managing Director
CBC Québec

Those of you who watch CBC News Montreal at 5/5:30/6 know that the station routinely piggybacks on Enquête investigations (branding them “CBC-Radio-Canada investigations”). We’ll see how Wood’s presence on this team changes that.

UPDATE: From Wood herself: “I am looking forward to it. The journalism there is fantastic, the people are great. It’s a great opportunity.”

Let’s hope she enjoys and does well at her new job, and her performance there is judged on something more important than ratings.

5 thoughts on “Nancy Wood moves to investigative reporting

  1. Shloime Perel

    I’m wondering whether this is pretty much Nancy Wood’s former job, in effect, similar to what she did as a national TV news reporter (maybe including radio news). We still haven’t found out why CBC management decided not to renew her Daybreak contract and why they informed her about this only a few months into her job.


    1. Michael J.

      As long as she’s on CBC’s payroll, we probably won’t find out. I am curious whether it’s possible to find out the info from an access to information request, but I’m not sure if that applies to the CBC or not.

      1. Fagstein Post author

        Access to information does apply to the CBC, but it does not apply to information about individual employees. Something like this would clearly fall under that exception.

  2. Pingback: Nancy Wood to replace Amanda Margison as late anchor on CBC Montreal – Fagstein

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