Trades are killer on magazine news cycles

L’actualité this week recently had a profile of Canadiens goaltender Jaroslav Halak teased big from its cover.

On the cover: “Que réserve l’avenir du gardien du Canadien?”

And in the piece itself:

Son mari envisage une seule « folie » : faire fi de sa peur de l’avion et s’envoler pour Montréal si Jaro se rend en finale de la Coupe Stanley l’année prochaine. Et, qui sait, en profiter pour voir un défilé rue Sainte-Catherine…

Thankfully, there’s little chance of that now.

There’s also a photo gallery of Halak’s hometown of Bratislava, Slovakia, and a blog post about Halak’s trade to St. Louis to downplay somewhat how much the magazine is two weeks behind the news.

2 thoughts on “Trades are killer on magazine news cycles

  1. Alex H

    You would think that they would have waited past the free agency deadline before putting this sort of story in print. It is almost a given in summer that things will change. While few people expected Halak to go away, the circumstances were there and possible. Let’s just say that the magazine’s gunshot wound appears self inflicted.

  2. Jonathan Trudel

    For the record : this issue was not published this week, as you write, but three weeks ago (suscribers received it on June 2, well before the trade). And given the fans’ reaction to the trade, this issue may well become a collector’s item ;-) Anyway, thanks for the links (I wrote this story about Halak). And here is a link to a feature I did last fall about… Carey Price.


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