On Tuesday night, staff from CBC Montreal played the Trailmakers of the Jewish General Hospital’s memory clinic in a charity softball game in front of at least five spectators at Hampstead Park.
The game was an embarrassment for the CBC Montreal team, which failed to score a single run and lost the game 10-0. But they had fun. And I got some pictures. So here they are:
- The team, led by Douglas Gelevan on the right, gives a pregame cheer.
- Catherine Cullen and a sign designed so that it can encourage either team.
- Pitcher Jason Boychuk wears a GoPro camera for the first inning.
- Shawn Apel can’t stop a runner at first base.
- Thomas Daigle is not impressed.
- Damon van der Linde hits a ball in a way that doesn’t look embarrassing.
- Lauren McCallum out at first.
- Dan Halton watching from the bench, with Catherine Cullen (left) and Andie Bennett (right)
- The CBC’s dugout gets filmed for highlights at 11pm.
- Sonali Karnick is enthusiastic in her cheering.
- Sarah Leavitt sports a beautiful roller derby name pun.
- Kristin Falcao gets batting lessons from Corinne Smith.
- Jason Boychuk pitching the kind of softball that CBC reporters have been lobbing at politicians on a daily basis. (OH SNAP!)
- Debra Arbec in position near second base.
- Lauren McCallum having a ball (GET IT?) playing third base.
- Tim Duboyce in centre field
- Sarah Leavitt gives her best I’ll-cut-you face as she plays catcher.
- Debra Arbec: Who do I throw the ball to?
- Debra Arbec: Do I throw the ball to you?
- Debra Arbec celebrates getting an out at second base.
- Jay Turnbull seems unaware of a ball apparently hurtling toward his face. (It wasn’t, actually. He’s okay.)
- Jay Turnbull tries to atone for a strikeout in a previous game.
- Thomas Daigle at first base.
- Frank Cavallaro has to rebutton his shirt after it came apart during a swing of the bat.
- Frank “UNO” Cavallaro makes it to first base.
- Douglas Gelevan swinging for the fences.
- Ajay Hoffer-Holobow gives the swing his all. His fielding at short stop made him the star of the team.
- Frank Cavallaro proudly representing Mix 96.
- Steve Rukavina ready for a pitch. Note how nobody on his team is paying attention.
- Morgan Dunlop sprints toward first base. The ball beat her there.
- Handshakes after the game.
- Post-game team photo
Frank Cavallaro did the late-night weather on CBC Montreal Tuesday night. His late-night CBC Montreal weather hits are done around supper time if it’s pre-taped(6:30-7:00pm I’m guessing)? Or did he go back to CBC Montreal(after softball game) to do late-night weather Tuesday night? Do you remember what position in the field Frank played Tuesday night?
The late forecast that night was pretaped. The easiest way to tell is to look at the times listed during the radar maps. If they only go to 6pm (or the 24-hour forecast only shows to 6pm the next day) then it was done early in the evening.
Thanks. I’ll check for it from now on(times of Radar Maps). On a somewhat related noted. Do you know if CBC Montreal TV is looking to find a replacement for Catherine Verdon-Diamond for the late-night CBC Montreal Weather M-F(or keep as it is right now)? She was also pre-taping her weather hits on CBC Montreal late-night?
I don’t know.
I don’t believe so. She was exclusive to late-night.
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