CJAD launches new sound

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/82942182″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

CJAD listeners will notice the station sounds a bit different now, particularly during its newscasts. Montreal’s news-talk leader launched a new imaging profile on Monday morning. “Imaging” is a radio industry term for “sound” and reflects things like news themes, promo ads and other stuff that give a station its unique sound.

I’ve excerpted some elements of this from a newscast Monday afternoon. Give it a listen. The new sound comes with new pacing for the radio station as well as an advertising campaign, brand director Chris Bury told me (while asking me to wait a day before I evaluate it all).

These kind of things come down to personal taste, so I’ll leave it to you to decide whether you like it or not.

UPDATE: In case you want to compare, Brendan Peterson has put the current CJAD news theme together with the CFRB theme and old CJAD themes here.

15 thoughts on “CJAD launches new sound

  1. QCnewsmusic

    Interesting article, it is not often people talk about news themes and imaging.

    This new new theme has an interesting four notes musical hook at the beginning. It is not bad, but it lacks something. Not musically rich enough to my opinion. And not different enough. Why most news talk station are so afrain to sound original and out of the box?

    WCBS for example choose this very original package first created for tv in the late…80’s! But it sounds quite good on air!


    WABC had also a very unique package for almost 10 years. This is powerful and unique and it sounds like NEW YORK CITY!


    I expect something big and bold for news talker in Montreal !

    Can’t wait to hear what Tietolman has to offer us in term of imaging both in french and english!

    1. Michael D

      Wow, thanks QC for sharing. I’m a lover of these groovy jingles,which is one thing, American radio has over Canadian radio, and this catchy jingles. I just listened to the WABC one tonight and awesomeness, this is kinda similar to those great jingles of American Top 40 radio of the 60’s and 70’s.

      So the new CJAD stuff is so bland. It sounds like a synthetic sound effect. Sorry Mr. Bury, but it’s true. I am anxious to hear what TTP, with Steve Kowch at the helm have in mind.This could be interesting.

  2. jeremiahandrews

    We listen to CJAD every night, overnight for Coast to Coast. They are getting close to the sound of AM 640 in Toronto. A little more flash and sound during the news never hurt. I guess tonight I can comment further.

    I think CJAD could do with some pizazz – when CJAD goes off air we pipe in am 640. They have a unique sound. CJAD could use some of their flair for the news.


  3. Jim P.

    I always liked News Radio 88 New York.

    The new sound is not distinctive enough. The intros start with a strong sound them drops off to alot of background noise. The older listening audience at CJAD might not notice the change. Or when driving in the car. the new intros might sound like road noise.

  4. Michel (Londres)

    The Newstalk 1010 jingles are done by IQ Beats in Seattle, WA, so I imagine CJAD would go to the same supplier for a slightly different version for themselves.

    1. Brendan Peterson

      L O L !

      IQ Beats lists CJAD as ‘Newstalk 800’ on their website… right next to Newstalk 1010. I guess the CJAD we use to know (and love) is no more — and this was probably an Astral Media decision, not local.


      600 AM… where are you?? Steve: any word when they’re launching? Sounds like they’ve gone dead in the last few months (I hope not).


      1. Marc

        IQ Beats lists CJAD as ‘Newstalk 800’ on their website

        Seems like a data entry error on their part. CJAD is branded as such, and not “Newstalk 800”

        600 AM… where are you??

        I suspect the T-T-P stations will launch together. They have until this fall (unless they ask for an extension) to launch 940, so It would be safe to assume 600 will launch at the same time.

  5. Michael D

    Yrs good question Matc, where is TTP anyways, any news of a studio location yet.?

    And does TTP media have a website yet

    1. Fagstein Post author

      where is TTP anyways, any news of a studio location yet.?

      No. They’ve been pretty quiet lately, and nobody’s quite sure why.

      And does TTP media have a website yet

      Not one that has anything on it.

    2. Michael D

      A further comment to my above posting that I wanted to make is this so-called ” new sound” be considered as getting ready for 600 AM..a little tinkering here and there…600, no doubt, will go after a younger hip demographic, so some hip sounds, maybe ??

      Call me cynical of this new sound!

  6. Tim Foreman

    The biggest change that I’ve noticed outside of the new imaging is the fact that they have gone back to giving weather updates at the end of newscasts instead of the beginning.


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