Tag Archives: Lance Delisle
Lance Delisle replaces Java Jacobs on K103 morning show

New K103 morning show team, from left: Zack Rath, Lance Delisle, Paul Graif (Photo: K103)
When Java Jacobs wasn’t heard on the air on K103 recently, some had wondered if there was a problem or if he’d left the station.
As it turns out, that’s exactly what happened. Starting Monday, the Kahnawake community radio station has a new morning team, with Lance Delisle taking Jacob’s place on the show.
Delisle is a veteran of the station, having started there in 1988. Jacobs had been there for about as long, and on the morning show for four. He and co-host Paul Graif were part of the morning team that made headlines in 2010 by adding former CHOM morning man Ted Bird. Their show has continued, though with less media attention, since Bird left to join TSN 690 in the spring of 2012.
So why did Jacobs leave?
“All I can say that it’s a personnel issue and not public information,” was the response from K103’s program director Al Gravelle. This leads me to believe it was the station’s decision to let him go.
Jacobs has locked down both his Facebook page and his Twitter account. I’ll update this if I hear back from him.
$80,000 for new equipment
In more uplifting news, the radiothon that the station held two weeks ago was a “huge success,” Gravelle said, raising more than $80,000, just above its $75,000 goal.
The station is moving into a new building, the groundbreaking for which occurred in September and should be built by July. The building itself, which will be shared with the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake’s Culture and Language Program, is being paid for by grant money, but the station has to pay for new equipment and furniture to put into it.
K103’s current building would have been cordoned off as condemned in any other jurisdiction, so the new one will be more than welcome.