STM Mobile screenshot
via Patrick, a new iPhone application has been launched called STM mobile that scrapes the STM website for bus arrival times and keeps track of favourite stops for easy access. It costs $0.99 through the Apple AppStore.
For those without an OMGcool iPhone, there’s the free busmob.com service, which does the same but through a light-weight website instead of an application.
Or you could just call AUTOBUS from your phone, or check the posted schedule, but that won’t make you cool.
UPDATE (July 31): Pierre-Nick has a review that’s mostly positive, but points out that it doesn’t use geolocation to find the closest stop.
UPDATE (Aug. 2): CFD has an interview with the program’s creator.
UPDATE (Aug. 7): The Gazette’s Roberto Rocha has an article about STM Mobile and busmob.com and how the STM is planning its own mobile schedule service for the fall.
UPDATE (Oct. 24): There’s also this very basic service which does pretty much the same as busmob.