Regret the Error's typo of the year
Montreal writer Craig Silverman, editor of news corrections website Regret the Error (and author of the book by the same name) has released his review of the best media errors and corrections from 2008.
Among the highlights:
- David Gest did not get herpes from Liza Minnelli
- Dance poles at the Condom Shack may, in fact, support the weight of a human
- The Los Angeles Times getting conned into writing a feature story filled with false information about Tupac Shakur (which was later debunked by The Smoking Gun)
- Headline turns Bon Jovi into “Bob Jovi” (though, frankly, I’ve made worse errors that have made it into much larger type)
- “Democratic vice-presidential prick in 2000” Joe Lieberman
- Bob Novak announcing “he has a brain”
- At least one that-wasn’t-his-mistress-that-was-his-daughter story
- The Calgary Sun correcting the record: GM does not support neo-Nazis
- Bill O’Reilly is not a “right-wing pundit”
- Recipe accidentally calls for poisonous ingredient
- A copy editor’s joke about strangling a kitten accidentally makes it to print (and the editor gets fired)
- Israel will hit, not eat, Iran
- From the Ottawa Sun: David Hoe was never a sex worker
- Amercan Family Association website automatic filter for AP stories turns “Tyson Gay” into “Tyson Homosexual”
- Wall Street Journal gets Canada’s name wrong. Twice.
It also mentions the Paris Match province-vs-city mistake on Quebec’s 400th anniversary.
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