Journal Weekly Digest: No protests for you!

Locked-out workers will no longer be allowed to picket the entrance to the Journal de Montréal office

Locked-out workers will no longer be allowed to picket the entrance to the Journal de Montréal office

The STIJM, representing locked-out Journal de Montréal workers, has been slapped with a temporary injunction limiting their picketing activities after recent events. They include:

The STIJM has a copy of the injunction (PDF) on its website. This is a temporary injunction, which means there will be another hearing about it. The way I read it, it doesn’t prevent them from protesting near properties owned by Quebecor or advertisers, merely from protesting on those properties. The “harassment” clauses, however, could be interpreted broadly enough to be worrisome to their rights to freedom of expression.

As for the other legal proceeding, about whether the Journal is using scab labour, they’re back in court on Friday. The CSN is calling on the government to have more inspectors to ensure businesses don’t use scab labour (telecommuting or otherwise) during conflicts.

In other news

1 thoughts on “Journal Weekly Digest: No protests for you!

  1. Bill_the_Bear

    If you want to go to the movies this weekend, don’t rely on the cinema listings in today’s Journal de Montréal (Friday 24 April). They’re approximately two months old!


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