National Post explores HNIC production trailer

Hockey Night in Canada production trailer graphic from the National Post

Hockey Night in Canada production trailer graphic from the National Post

The National Post’s Graeme Hamilton has a feature piece on the behind-the-scenes technical production of a Hockey Night in Canada broadcast. It focuses on what happens inside the high-definition trailer (specifically, the rapid change of camera angles and the rush to get instant replays on air).

It includes the graphic above, which looks at the layout of the trailer and the positioning of the dozens of cameras in a given arena.

2 thoughts on “National Post explores HNIC production trailer

  1. Jean Naimard

    Oh, lovely. Now the people know how the bourgeois is distilling the opium they throw at the people so they don’t get involved in politics.

  2. Horonymous

    Hey I’ve worked in that truck.

    Not all the hand held positions are always manned. There are several cameramen/women & the cameras float between the different positions,

    A hard camera is a very large TV camera that remains in the same postion the whole game


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