The online-only National Post for Monday, June 29, 2009
Today is the first day of the National Post’s no-print Mondays announced in April and reiterated last week. For nine weeks, until the end of the summer, the paper won’t be printed on Mondays and its content will only appear in virtual form.
But the paper is still being edited and laid out as if printed on broadsheet paper. It has four sections (eight-page A section, four-page business, four-page arts/life and eight-page sports) and other than its size (and the fact that there’s colour on every page), it looks no different than any other edition of the print National Post.
Needless to say, this version of the paper is also very light on advertising, though there are some full-page ads that look as if they’re separate from the sections.
No MJ on their front page? First time I’ve ever seen the National Post do something I could get behind. Kudos!