Lite 106.7 drops Ted Bird

People who tuned in to 106.7 in Hudson/St-Lazare this morning to listen to the Terry and Ted show were disappointed and possibly confused that the show wasn’t on today.

Ted Bird confirmed to me today he is no longer employed by the station, and said it was the decision of owner Evanov Communications. The weekday morning show is listed on the station’s website without a host, and the Saturday morning Terry and Ted show has also been removed from the schedule. DiMonte also confirmed on social media that show is not returning.

The news of Bird’s departure is a bit surprising as it was only in January that Evanov began carrying Bird’s show on its Ottawa station at 98.5.

Bird joined CHSV-FM, then Jewel 106.7 when it launched in 2015 as the first English-language radio station serving the western off-island region. That ended five years of bouncing around local radio stations after Bird left CHOM-FM in a dispute with management. He worked at K103 in Kahnawake, TSN 690 and KIC 89.9 before landing at the Hudson station.

The Terry and Ted podcast Standing By is a separate venture and will go on. Bird says they’re recording Season 7 in April.

As for a new job, there are always options out there, but “I think I’m done with radio,” he says.

28 thoughts on “Lite 106.7 drops Ted Bird

  1. Edmund Gleason

    I did listen to Teds podcast around 3 weeks ago.Terry was not on it. I greatly appreciated his down to earth and open approach. I noticed a few times some comments were made that were somewhat controversial. I am not privy to the reason why 16.7 fired him.I am just floating a theory that maybe the Jewel was not too happy that the podcast was a bit too controversial for their liking.

  2. Rob Braide

    If there’s someone who should be on the radio in this town it’s Ted Bird. One of the most natural communicators I’ve ever worked with. Funny, smart and stubborn. Perfect! This sucks.

  3. Bruce

    That’s too bad. I didn’t always listen but I enjoyed Ted’s banter. Hope he finds his place at another station.

  4. Ed

    That is very unfortunate. Ted’s a great guy both on and off the air.

    Btw, I hear AM600 is looking for talent (hint hint).

  5. Brett

    The station won’t be the same without him. Love the music but he was the reason I listened in mornings. Hope he lands somewhere else.

    1. Pieter van Lammeren

      I know, even though he sometimes made some comments that he really should not have made, he was the only reason for me to listen to Lite 106.7. I was wondering for a while if he was on holiday. Oki, so now I now. I will look for another radio station to listen to. Because without Ted, Lite 106.7 fm is just too boring.

    2. Anonymous

      Actually I might be the only one who didn’t listen because of him, he might be a nice person, but I believe it was time. Wishing him all the best.
      Love the music, not a fan of his comments.

  6. Bob

    Another Great talent has gone by the wayside. Montreal radio stations are becoming amateur radio. We don’t need another Talk station. We need talented radio personalities who make Morning radio come alive with music and laughter. Ottawa offers more radio talent than Montreal. Montreal radio Am or Fm sucks. Ted Bird and Ken Conner are the last good guys who just left the building.

  7. Anonymous

    Is it me, or does it feel like the Montreal radio market (English) is constantly under attack, or threat of attack.
    The way things are going, nothing is going to be left.
    I’m just waiting for CKGM-AM (TSN 690) to be taken out to the shed, and done away with.
    This madness doesn’t seem to stop.

    How can one even work in the radio industry in this market.

    As for CFQR-AM 600, I hope they manage to get things rolling this time around. I do listen to them a lot due to the great music they play.
    I listen via their website.

  8. Anonymous

    The sudden nature of this drop (especially after adding him to the Ottawa market recently) suggests that there is something bigger at play here. Jewel has been happily riding the Ted and Terry situation for a while now, something that made an otherwise unimportant station into something Montrealers would actually listen to.

    They blew it all off. Did they run out of money?

    1. Brando

      I for one would’ve preferred that Kris Leblanc continue to post The Morning Show. I’m not a big fan of Frank Cavallero.

  9. Bob

    This truly saddens me!

    Ted and Kris, or Ted and Murray, were the reason I tuned into 106.7! I texted to Ted in January to enquire about Murray because we need the energy, humour and down to earth commentary and banter they offer! They truly brought a smile to this loyal listener! Even my 20 year old daughter (the next generation ) was disappointed and upset to find out about Ted’s sudden departure! Ted! Say it ain’t so……., you cannot be done in radio! If AM 600 is an option, jump on it! YOUR LISTENERS AND FANS WILL FOLLOW YOU!!! Keep up the good fight Ted, you are an inspiration! Bob

  10. Paul

    Another Mtl radio icon falls by the wayside. I loved the way Ted was unafraid to take a position on current affairs, while doing it with his own unique flair and humorous bent. That kind of talent is a combination of experience from years in radio and a God-given gift. The move to terminate him is akin to a business shooting itself in the foot. Methinks some listeners may have been offended by some of his positions on certain subject matter. Sick of this overly-sensitive political-correctness society that we live in !

  11. Paul

    I loved listening to Ted. I especially enjoyed Lite 106 when his old radio partner Java joined him on some Friday mornings. Those two got along really well on the air and offered us some belly laughs. Terry and Ted or Ted and Java were always great together. I’ll be listening to Star 92.9 from now on.

  12. Danny G.

    Music was good but very repetitive. How many times can you listen to the Pina Colada song in a month? Ted (and Terry) gave them some credibility.

  13. MIke

    Was away from the Montreal radio scene for several years, had listened to Terry, Ted and Peppermint Patty back in the CHOM glory days and was thrilled when I re-discovered Ted. Many folks are going to miss you in the mornings, take some time but know we’d love to have you back somewhere….anywhere. Take care

  14. steve kosturik

    Listened to Ted since back in the Mutual of Omaha days. Bags news for Mtl radio. Content is beyond bad on the FM English stations, now another reason why I won’t be listening to morning radio. I sincerely hope radio executives dont wonder why broadcast radio is failing.

  15. Monica Stadtlehner

    This is such sad news. I tuned in because of Ted, Kris,Murray and Terry. Such great talent I will miss you guys On to another statin for me. Good luck Ted

  16. LW

    When I was living in Bangkok I used to listen to Ted as a way to stay connected to Hudson an the region. Whatever you guys at the station to get rid of him – bad decision. I, for one, am gone.

  17. It's not the 80's

    While I understand the positive response Ted receives and admire his stance on certain issues, my own experiences as a father to a growing daughter and husband to a strong woman have shaped a different perspective. I’ve found that while Ted can be engaging, some of his content seems mentally anchored in the past, not fully aligned with today’s more progressive values. Specifically, his on-air demeanor sometimes strikes a narcissistic tone, and his occasional chauvinistic remarks or suggestive comments towards women have made me uncomfortable, especially when my family is listening. Such moments compelled me to mute the radio until the music resumed. It’s not about being overly critical, but rather expressing a hope that the station will strive for a lineup that truly acknowledges and respects the diverse tastes and sensibilities of all listeners, reflecting contemporary standards of respect and inclusivity and if not then just play music.

  18. Stewart Currie

    I was very disappointed to learn of the loss of Ted Bird from 106.7 FM . Honestly he was the only reason I would listen to that station because the rest of their programming is not even what I would call local. The John Tesh snorefest followed by the even more annoying American syndicated nonsense for the afternoon drive show only proves that Evanson has no business running a radio station. I used to work in radio a long time ago and I could do a better job today than the flying monkeys who run that poor excuse of a station. When you ignore your community and give them a half assed product you are only going to fail and that’s a real shame because you could have made some inroads if you just tried harder and had more patience and tried to actually promote your product and use the built in recognition that Ted Bird brought you. However you blew it.

  19. Anonymous

    Come on, saturday mornings are just not the same anymore! Boring anchorman now! My husband and I amoung others are quietly tuning off.. what happened to this great duo?


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