CBC’s Sabrina Marandola is among the Italian Montrealers profiled by Panoram Italia
It’s not just me who’s been talking to English-language broadcasters in Montreal. Italian community magazine Panoram Italia has been profiling members of its community who have jobs in the media in Montreal. The magazine’s December/January issue is devoted to it, with CBC’s Sabrina Marandola and CJAD/CTV’s Laura Casella on the cover.

Panoram Italia cover for Dec. 2012/Jan. 2013
Going through the list, you can see how prolific they are here. Morning show hosts, weather presenters, journalists. Good thing they come in peace (and pizza).
- Sabrina Marandola (CBC) and Laura Casella (CJAD/CTV)
- Natasha Gargiulo and Freeway Frank Depalo (Virgin Radio) (Gargiulo was also profiled in 2011)
- Cousin Vinny Barrucco (The Beat)
- Frank Cavallaro (CBC)
- Rick Campanelli (Global’s ET Canada)
- Terry DiMonte (CHOM)
- Tony Marinaro (TSN 690)
- Mose Persico (CTV)
- Davide Gentile (Radio-Canada)
- Franco Nuovo (Radio-Canada)
- Marianna Simeone