Worried about his kids

Last year, I wrote on my blog with some opinions about the proposed Cavendish extension to Henri-Bourassa Blvd. and Toupin Blvd., which would connect two neighbourhoods that would otherwise need a much longer detour to get between. I criticized complaints from residents in Cartierville as selfish NIMBYism from people who live in McMansions along the waterfront and drive their Hummer SUVs and BMWs to work every day through other people’s neighbourhoods.

One of the comments I got on that post was from one of those residents, who said he was worried about his kids having to cross a busy street to get to school every day.

I decided to interview the man for a Justify Your Existence piece. I figured I’d totally get him on that, but turns out I learned a thing or two (something I always enjoy doing as a journalist). Rather than drive to work every day, he takes a bike when he has to, and the rest of the time he works at home. His wife will use the family vehicle, in order to take the kids to school (they have three, ranging in age from about 3 to about 9, if I remember correctly). He’s very pro-environment and anti-car, despite living in a modest home in the suburbs.

Though still somewhat NIMBYish, the guy came off as a concerned father criticizing the creation of roads for the benefit of personal vehicles over public transportation.

Nice guy, nice wife, adorable kids. A fun way to spend an evening.

So why do I bring this up again?

The guy, 34-year-old Nicolas Stone, was arraigned in Longueuil today on charges he lured a 13-year-old girl into exposing herself online, and then had sex with her at least twice. I got a call from work to double-check it was the same guy.

The photo at right is stolen from his Facebook profile, since a scheduled photo shoot for that article fell through (had it happened, the paper would be running file art of the guy and his kids tomorrow).

All this to say, you can never tell just by looking at someone.

And this guy was worried about his kids crossing a busy street

UPDATE: Let’s be careful with wording (unlike 940 News who don’t think they have to qualify calling him a “predator”) since he hasn’t been convicted of anything yet. All of this is alleged by police. And you never know, there could be a completely innocent explanation for a 34-year-old father of three having sex with a 13-year-old girl.

UPDATE (May 28): He’s been denied bail.

UPDATE (Aug. 4, 2010): After pleading guilty, Stone has been sentenced to 10 years in prison, minus time served.

33 thoughts on “Worried about his kids

  1. richard


    I know that that doesn’t add much to the conversation, but that was the word that came out of my mouth when I read the part after “So why do I bring this up again?”.

  2. Andre

    True this appears sick, but before to put judgement on the guy, we should all make sure we have the right story in hand.

    Media always put emphasis on the drama.

    What if the girl told him she was 18. What if she look like she was 18.
    What if she ask to have sex and consent while taking advantage of the guy’s ignorance.
    Then parents finds out and started this bal (which every parent would do) that brings shame to him and his family.

    What if all this is a misunderstanding??? It could happen to any guys.

    I am not pointing finger to either side, just saying before you actually judge someone, make sure you have all the facts.

    If he happens to be innoncent of this, imagine how hard it will be to get out of it… and the damage is already done.

  3. Lily

    I know that guy. I Used to work with him. He is such a great guy, a good father, a good artist, a good citizen. I am devasted. I can’t understand why he did such a thing. He will lost everything, his kids will lost their father, that is extremly sad.

    Believe me, I am not saying that what he did is not bad. Even if he thought she was 18 (don’t know if it was the case or not), why did he had to cheat his wife anyway? But in spite of this, in spite of the fact that I am a mother of 3 girls, and I just can’t help it, I am sad for Nicolas… I know I shouldn’t, but I am.

  4. Nyk

    I know Nick very well too, and everything that’s happeneing sucks big time. Despite everything, he is a great guy as Lily said, and a wonderfull Dad, and also a great friend !

    Good people sometimes do bad things, but it doesn’t necessarely make them a bad person.

  5. Julie

    Salut! Désolé, je parle pas l’anglais mais j’aimerais VRAIMENT que quel qu’un puisse réprondre a ma question!
    J’aimerais savoir si il est en prison ou non ? Et j’aimerais avoir des nouvelles de se qui ce passe avec lui s’il vous plait cela me randrais tres heureuse!!
    Merci bacoup en avance!

  6. Julie

    Ce qui veux dire? Desole chui pas forte forte la dedant! :P
    Et puis il est a Quelle priso?
    Tuka. j<aimeris avoir des informations sur lui, le plus possible =)

  7. Nyk

    Salut Julie,

    Je ne me sens pas à l’aise de donner trop de détails, désolé.

    Le procès déterminera sa sentence, c.-à-d. combien de temps il restera en prison.

  8. Zoé

    Salut Julie!

    Moi non plus, pas trop à l’aise pour les détails en public. Je peux te dire qu’il va relativement bien (dans les circonstances), le procès n’a pas encore eu lieu jusqu’à maintenant. Si t’as un message pour lui, mets-le sur site, je transmets.

  9. Julie

    Salut Zoé, j’ai pas de.. message la.
    Mais.. tu es avec lui ?! ^o)
    Mais c’est pas long son procès messemble ?!

  10. Zoé


    Non, je ne suis pas avec lui, il est toujours en prison et y resteras jusqu’à son procès et oui, effectivement c’est très long. Je suis juste en contact avec lui.

  11. Julie

    Mais j’ai une question pour toi.
    Je sais pas si tu le connais sa fait longtemps mais tuka…
    C’est quoi sa t’as fait quand tu as su qu’il a comis se crime là !?

  12. Zoé

    Pour votre info, sa prochaine parution en cours sera à la fin mai. Une date pour le procès DEVRAIT être connue à ce moment là. J’aimerais vous en dire plus, mais comme je ne sais pas à qui je m’adresse.. c’est pas évident.

  13. Zoé

    J’ai créé l’adresse nicnico@hotmail.com qui n’existera vraiment pas longtemps parce que je vais me saboter pour ne pas recevoir 70 000 messages que je n’ai pas envie de lire. Écris à cette adresse et donne-moi des renseignements fiables qui peuvent me prouver que tu le connais bien et surtout que je peux te faire confiance (genre détails personnels sur lui, comment vous êtes-vous connus, etc.) Je vais m’arranger avec le reste.

    1. Zoé

      Oui, le hotmail existe encore. Même chose, je demande quand même un peu de renseignements pour savoir à quoi m’en tenir. Merci.

  14. Pascale

    Je connais également personnellement Nic.
    Je suis allée sur internet pour voir si il y avait des nouvelles sur son procès final.
    Et je suis arrivée par hasard sur ce site.
    Je suis surprise et émue de savoir que d’autres personnes ont gardé contact avec lui.
    En fait, il ne doit pas y avoir grand monde autour de lui…hein…
    Zoé, as-tu des nouvelles récentes concernant sa situation?

    Et t’es qui toi!?


    1. Zoé

      La sentence ne sera pas du tout connue le 8 mars. Il repassera en cour à cette date, où une autre date d’audition sera connue pour enfin se rendre à la sentence. C’est un méchant processus. En passant, les accusations de criminel dangereux à contrôler ne seront pas portées contre lui.

      1. I.


        as-tu une adresse email sur laquelle je pourrais t’écrire? Je suis en contact régulier avec Nicolas mais j’aimerais bien pouvoir discuter un peu avec quelqu’un qui le connait bien.

        1. Zoé

          Oui, mais pas trop envie de la laisser là. En plus, je crois savoir qui tu es et moi aussi j’ai bien envie de parler avec toi. Je crée florentina@hotmail.com. Je ne répondrai à personne d’autre et je fermerai ce compte à la fin du mois. J’attends ton message.


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