Reporter's cubicle is now off-limits to all personnel
Firefighters and other emergency services personnel were called in last night after inspectors declared a reporter’s cubicle violated 32 fire safety and other environmental codes and ordered it immediately sealed off.
Shocked that a human could live in such an environment for any length of time, a hazardous materials officer said his team would have to tread carefully into the danger area. There were reports of sounds emanating from the giant piles of papers that may have been from small creatures that have built nests inside.
There are also concerns that the entire area may be structurally unsound.
Police couldn’t say how long the cleanup would take, but not to expect anything for at least a few months.
Yup, that’s a scribes desk.
April Fools
Hey! Isn’t that your cubicle, Steve?
There’s something “fishy” about this! ;)
Just want to know where this story comes from?
Mais je ne comprends pas, ce bureau est bien rangé avec tous les papiers dans des dossiers. Moi je dois pousser fort sur la porte du mien pour entrer.
A clean desk is the sign of a dusty mind…
What? True story?
Pat and I did not give you permission to post pictures of his office on your blog dude, srsly.
Is that Jan Ravensbergen’s cubicle?
ding ding ding, you win the prize Pinto.