Nat Lauzon is too cool for weekdays
It won’t get the same attention as Terry DiMonte, but another veteran Montreal radio personality is on the move. Nat Lauzon, who has been at CJFM since 1999 (though it seems like forever) is moving to CFQR to take over a weekend gig there.
She’ll be doing the noon to 5 p.m. shift starting in October. She remains at Virgin Radio until then, where she does the weekday late morning show that is No. 1 in its timeslot with a 38% commercial market share, far ahead of its competitors.
So why leave a No. 1 weekday show at the No. 1 station to do a weekend shift?
Lauzon says she’s heading in “a new direction” and wants to focus on her other two passions – her freelance voice-over work and her Montreal Dog Blog (she’s got a thing for the puppies).
As for why this new schedule requires switching stations, well, she won’t comment. So let’s speculate irresponsibly. I’m thinking she just can’t bear to be at a station that doesn’t have Cat Spencer.
Meanwhile, Astral has posted her former job, weekdays 9am to 1pm. Minimum three years experience.
UPDATE (July 25): Virgin has hired Andrea Collins of 99.9 BOB FM in Winnipeg (a Bell Media station), to replace Lauzon in the 9am to 1pm slot. She starts Aug. 15.
Lauzon has written a blog post about her departure, in which she states that “my departure is all on good terms”.
Speculation: Well, let’s see.
Voice work, especially if you are in demand, can pay reasonable well and leave you with plenty of free time for your passions.
The dog website looks busy, looks active, and looks like it has plenty of paying sponsors and such, a potential good business. It’s also her passion, which helps.
Doing a little math makes me wonder if she is having a biological clock moment. That is rampant speculation.
Note also that her blog is rarely updated, she stopped writing the newspaper column a couple of months back, and has pretty much dropped out of everything else.
Life change!
A real pro and a nice person. Good luck, Nat.
The most talented host on Montreal English radio. So says me.
It may be the lazy summer months rolling in, it may be my reaching a certain age and it may be my bitterness towards some disgusting, waste of human flesh, bottom feeding bosses I have worked for who have kicked me in the nuts while I was going through dealing with an ailing child, but it just shows me that we are all replaceable no matter how highly we think of ourselves and how many hours we give to the machine. There has been a common thread in the stories about radio personalities lately, it is mostly about them not feeling like they are being appreciated where they are presently employed, after all they have done for the ratings. As listeners we all like the comfort of waking up to the same voice every morning and listening to another familiar voice while we are playing solitaire on the computer at our monotonous, spirit sucking, suffocating jobs. We all scream and yell when changes are made to the familiar but we all know we will become used to the new voice, if management gives them time to grow, but they don’t because everyone is playing the same bullshit game of “pleasing the stockholders”. So, suits with big ideas move people around, lie to corporate that they have done a great job, get promoted somewhere else to fuck up other people’s lives until they have a heart attack of their own from over working and chasing the dreams of being the king in their business. While they are lying in the hospital bed, someone else is replacing them, much like they replaced others for a quick buck or ratings boost. No disrespect for the people leaving, or switching or coming back, but you were all replaced and life moved on, it is great if this didn’t happen and we all lived in a “Truman show” world, but shit happens. So everyone burning the midnight oil, go home and enjoy the nice weather, the company will survive if you go home. We saw how the Arab spring changed lives in the middle east, now maybe it is time for the Middle class summer. Thumb your noses at the machine, go home and relax.
Clearly, as the lovingly Fagstein-selected photo would suggest (aside from fart cramps), she is going to pursue her supermodeling career. D-uh!
(ps. Thanks Ted and David.)
Well, I’m sure there’ll be interest from companies making sunglasses and giant red jackets.
Hey Fagstein, that’s not a picture of Nat Lauzon. The picture is of Kelly Alexander.
I admit, you had me going for a second there. But unless Kelly had a Mission-Impossible-style Nat Lauzon mask on and took it off in the 16 seconds between the time I took this photo and the time I took her photo, I’m going to stick with believing that’s Nat Lauzon. Though she does kind of look like she might be a cyborg.
OK interesting. I thought for certain it was Kelly A. If only her sunglasses were off here, then I would know for certain either way.
So I just checked Nat Lauzon’s blog. A picture of her(posted by her on March 20/2011) next to a Justin Bieber-lookalike from the same 2011 Montreal St. Patrick’s Parade you shot Nat. So I was wrong, it is Nat Lauzon. Very sorry.
Virgin Radio just hired a person for Nat’s mid-morning slot(9am-1pm). It’s Andrea Collins. She starts at Virgin Radio on August 15th. Does that mean Nat still has to stay at Virgin until October or she leaves early? When does Nat start at the Q now?
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