Media News Digest: Les Affaires goes monthly, local journalism jobs, Elysia Bryan-Baynes retires

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12 thoughts on “Media News Digest: Les Affaires goes monthly, local journalism jobs, Elysia Bryan-Baynes retires

  1. Michael Black

    The Metis nation may be sort of made up, but at least it was forged in resistance. It’s not some vague notion of ancestry, or a sense of “privilege”. Now that I know what to look for it’s hard to not find things about my prominent Metis famly in Red River. There’s nothing I can get out of claiming Metis,but tbere is an

    A couple of years ago the Gazette’s off-island section had two articles about “eastern metis”. A vague claim and a made up organisation. But the writer presented them as tye real thing, even a source of wisdom.

    The issue is that lots claim something based on vague family history. Then they start pronouncing, thinking they have a right, usually falsehoods. If pursued it is often revealed that they have no ancestry. Or at least an ancestor a very long time ago. In Quebec there’s almost a folk knowledge about native ancestry, except it devolves to.a common ancestor, who turns out to not be native at all. But it doesn’t even matter, ancestry doesn’t mean status. I’ll never be Syilx, all I can say is I’m descended from my Syilx great, great, great grandmother.

    Reconciliation is understanding, and empathy. Finding real ancestors may help that along, but you can arrive at the same end without having any native ancestors. But claiming without understanding or empathy, will never be reconciliation.

    1. Fagstein Post author

      To be clear, no one is suggesting that the Métis is “made up” when referring to the historical Métis of the Prairies. What’s controversial is the claim of Indigenous status for groups that call themselves Métis because they have some Indigenous ancestry.

  2. Rob Braide

    Great post. On the subject of ad blockers, and as a person who gives La Presse an annual donation equal to what I pay for The Gazette and Journal de Montréal, while I understand the financial crunch facing all old school media, it seems that Le Devoir is asking those of us who use ad blockers to toggle them on and off when we read Le Devoir. Because when we torn them off for one they are off for all. The newspaper is a distant third or fourth choice to most people and the bother of this action makes it not worth while. This said, it’s a new concept for me and I’d be surprised if we don’t see a lot more companies adopting the strategy.

  3. Anonymous

    1 – Finally the CBC National News is dropping its 4 anchor hosting. I can for the news, not to watch the View.

    2 – Evanov Radio request for changes to CIRR-FM, and CIDC-FM had also included the plan to place CIRR-FM’s specialty programming on a HD Radio sub channel (HD2). I don’t really see why the CRTC would not agree to this. The programming still remains available for free over the air, and covering a larger area than it currently does. And certainly with improved sound quality.
    It’s a short sided decision. What’s worse, at the bottom of the CRTC decision, it encourages the idea of using HD Radio. But how, by adding CIDC-FM signal as a HD2 to CIRR-FM 225 watt signal. Wouldn’t adding CIRR’s speciality programming on HD2 with a 20,000 watt power output be better? Am I doing the math wrong on this?

    3 – As for the CRTC’s Phase 2 question period about commercial radio stations…

    —–Local programming, including news —-(we certainly don’t want to encourage robo stations)

    —–French-language music quotas —-(they should relax this. too many options for listeners to tune out)

    —–Music montages —(this problem would go away if they fix the above point)

    —–The limit on hit music imposed on FM stations in Ottawa and Montreal—(this needs to be dropped ASAP. It’s borderline discrimination, against anglophones)

    —-The Common Ownership Policy, which limits how many radio stations in a market can be owned by the same company—-(needs to fix this ASAP. too much media concentration in each market)

    —-How commercial radio can support Indigenous people, Canadian content, linguistic duality, etc.”—-(there are native owned stations. In fact two in the Montreal area alone. Let them serve their communities. This is speciality programming, and they know better their target audience than the CRTC messing things up even more)

    I have always believed the CRTC should be functioning more as a FCC, and not stick its nose in programming matters. Allow completion, and let the market (listeners/viewers) decide what they want to watch and listen to. Not the CRTC’s business, nor special interest groups who somehow think they are smarter than the audience. I might not always agree with what the audience chooses, but better that, than non nothing know it alls pushing their ideals onto others. Let the audience decide through competition. But, make sure completion exists.

    1. Fagstein Post author

      Evanov Radio request for changes to CIRR-FM, and CIDC-FM had also included the plan to place CIRR-FM’s specialty programming on a HD Radio sub channel (HD2). I don’t really see why the CRTC would not agree to this.

      HD Radio doesn’t have nearly the same adoption as analog FM radio does. The commission determined that Evanov’s plan would put into question the integrity of the licensing process by allowing Evanov to get a general commercial FM station in Toronto without going through a normal, competitive process for doing so.

  4. William Blum

    Steve, Lots of interesting news in this post; news that can’t be found anywhere else. Always like to hear what’s happening with the media in Quebec and the rest of Canada. As a fellow media geek, I enjoy your blog immensely from the south shore of Lake Ontario. Keep up the good work. Bill Blum

  5. Deborah Bee

    The National’s 4-anchor format was doomed from the start. A better idea would’ve been to have one anchor devoted to reporting in the Maritime provinces, and the ongoing hardships there. Perhaps another anchor could’ve been covering the First Nation’s communities and comparing their lives to Native Americans on reservations in the US.

    Those are areas that are underrepresented in the news.

    1. Fagstein Post author

      Wouldn’t reporters be more appropriate for those jobs? Separating anchors by subject matter seems impractical, especially since you never know what comes up in the news on any given day.

  6. Ian Howarth

    A majorly comprehensive look at the media scene fer sure. I was particularly interested in the Washington Post journalist who was reinstated after being suspended. It appears the Washington Post is making you their social media policy on the run. That she brought up Kobe Bryant’s sexual assault charge from 2005 sealed her fate, at least temporarily. Still no apology even though she had to take refuge in a hotel and get security to ensure her safety.
    This is a reflection of the way Americans treat their sports heroes as gods. Never mind their history. And how dare a journalist – specially a woman whose focus is not sports – dare to remind readers that Bryant’s sexual history is part of his story. She discovered the hard way when “too soon” is too soon. And thanks to the anonymity of social media you can fire off death threats as flippantly as you would FB birthday greetings.

  7. Mario D.

    Time sure does fly by. If not for your reports on anything media related i would not be aware of important events. Did not know about Ralph Lockwood passing. It is important for me to pay my respects to his friends and family. Such a great era when he was at CKGM in the 70’s . I was young back then and got my first crush on radio thanks to him . Never stopped since being a radio listener and although things have changed , great radio personnalities never do .Lockwood was on top and always will !


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