Gazette wins, Post loses in ABC circulation numbers

The Audit Bureau of Circulations released numbers this morning for Canadian newspapers in the six months ending March 31.

The biggest loser was the National Post, plunging a horrifying 20% in that time. This was due mainly to the decision to pull the Post out of smaller markets (like, everywhere between Calgary and Toronto).

The big winner was The Gazette, whose paid circulation increased 13%. In fact, Quebec papers in general seemed to do well:

  • Le Devoir up 2.82%
  • La Presse up 1.19%
  • Le Soleil up 0.52%

Neither Journal’s numbers were in the story (probably because they went down aren’t part of ABC), but in any case would be hard to judge by due to labour conflicts at the papers this year and last.

Last month, NADbank numbers showed readership over the past year was stable.

3 thoughts on “Gazette wins, Post loses in ABC circulation numbers

  1. Dave

    À moins que je me trompe, le Journal de Montréal n’est plus membre de ABC, pour la simple et bonne raison que cette firme ne compte que les copies vendues. Et comme on le sait, le Journal a tendance à innonder le marché de copies gratuites… Le quotidien de Péladeau ne jure maintenant que par le NADBank, beaucoup moins restrictif.

  2. Pingback: We’re Number 2.7! – Fagstein

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