Looking at my feeds, here’s a roundup of links about media coverage of the campaign and especially election night:
- J-Source has a good piece about how the media did in this election campaign (spoiler: they did horribly, letting the campaigns set the narrative).
- Meanwhile, it seems some bloggers did break the Internet blackout on results, though it doesn’t sound like it was too widespread.
- The Globe and Mail reports that some cable subscribers in B.C. got Newsworld and CPAC election results too early. Apparently a cable provider was a bit slow on the blackout button.
- The Gazette’s Mike Boone looks at how the TV networks did on election night.
- Canwest’s Alex Strachan looks at the national anglo TV networks briefly.
- Richard Therrien looks at the French network coverage. He says he preferred RadCan.
- Patrick Lagacé (who liked TVA’s coverage better) has some highlights (lowlights?) from the teevee, including a testy exchange between Stéphane Dion and CTV News.
- TV writer Bill Brioux makes some sexual innuendo jokes at CBC’s expense.
- Le Devoir reports that TVA beat RadCan on the call by seven minutes, and they are therefore superior in their reporting (instead of, say, just being less cautious)
- Hugo Dumas leads with the same non-issue in his analysis for La Presse.
- Looks like TVA won the ratings wars on the French side, and CTV on the English side.
- The anglo networks had battling press releases. Global heralded calling the election first, CTV says it had the highest ratings, and CBC says it had the highest ratings. (In reality, both played with the numbers to make themselves look good, something we’ve seen a lot among these networks)
- Plenty of talk about how André Arthur starts his TQS show the day after winning a seat as an MP. TQS didn’t cover the election results at all.
- Steve Proulx’s liveblog.