Aaron Rand moves to CJAD afternoons

Aaron Rand's ID card from 30 years ago, unearthed by Rob Braide in May. (I've blurred out his social insurance number so you don't identity-theft him)

When your goal is to get a job as a radio host at a commercial English-language radio station in Montreal, your choices are rather limited.

Aaron Rand left CFQR (the Q) in May after more than 20 years when it became clear management wasn’t eager to renew their contract with him. At the time he wasn’t sure where he would go, but he knew he wanted to stay in Montreal, he wanted to stay in radio, he didn’t want to work at a station like K103 and he wanted to have some editorial freedom wherever he ended up. With the Cogeco door slammed pretty tight behind him, the only game left in town was Astral, and he was hoping for something at either CHOM or CJAD (the latter being the better choice because it would mean more talk time and less of being a DJ).

Now it seems Rand has gotten his wish. He won’t be reunited with his former partner Paul (Tasso) Zakaib, but he will have a show on a popular radio station. Rand announced on Facebook and The Gazette published an article about the same time, both saying he is taking the weekday afternoon slot at CJAD, 3 to 7 p.m., starting Sept. 6 (the day after Labour Day). Note that this puts him directly opposite Mitch Melnick on Team 990.

The CJAD timeslot Rand is taking over is currently held by Ric Peterson, and there’s a bit of musical chairs as people are shuffled into new slots. The details, according to The Gazette and other sources:

  • Ric Peterson moves to 12-3pm, the latter two hours of which will be with Rand’s former cohost Suzanne Desautels. This replaces Kim Fraser’s show and the first hour of Dan Laxer.
  • Kim Fraser moves to weekends, 1-4pm, which replaces Anne Lagacé Dowson on Saturdays and a few shows on Sundays.
  • Dan Laxer loses his weekday afternoons gig but keeps his Sunday trivia show from 9am-12pm. He writes on Facebook that “I won’t lie, I am disappointed, and I will miss weekday afternoons. Having my own radio show on CJAD has changed my life in so many ways, and opened so many doors. I’m hoping to nudge them open just a little bit wider and see where they lead.” But he says he isn’t leaving CJAD.
  • Barry Morgan gets a new show 7-10pm weekdays, bumping Dan Delmar. He’ll also contribute sports news to Rand’s show.
  • Dan Delmar writes on his blog that he’ll stay at CJAD as a daytime programming producer, and says the change is bittersweet, because he loses a show he’s worked very hard on, but at the same time he’s not “a radio guy” and will enjoy having more free time. He also writes that he’ll be hosting two weekly shows, details to come later.
  • Anne Lagacé Dowson, the former CBC radio host and one-time NDP candidate, loses her weekly gig. She still has a column in the new Hour magazine, and will be on the Tommy Schnurmacher show’s Gang of Four, plus other stuff, she tells The Gazette’s Bill Brownstein.
  • Legal Lounge with Christopher Dimakos, Ann Shatilla’s Hollywood Trend Report and the Dr. Schwarcz Show, which are on Sunday afternoons and being displaced by Kim Fraser, will find new homes on the schedule. “All those shows will remain part of our line-up”, says Brand Director Chris Bury. A final schedule is expected within a few days.

Rand’s Facebook fans are thrilled, and the positive reaction to his return to the airwaves easily drowns out those who are disappointed by Laxer, Delmar and Dowson losing their shows. (On the Radio in Montreal discussion group, moderator Sheldon Harvey is a bit skeptical, suggesting that people might not be sufficiently prepared for a switch from music to news/talk programming)

It’s disappointing that young talent has to suffer to bring back a star, but as many people in the industry have told me: That’s the business of radio.

UPDATE: Video of Rand’s interview with CJAD’s Andrew Carter is online.

Meanwhile, at Rand’s old home at 92.5, changes are afoot for the same day. Cat Spencer takes his job as Rand’s morning-show replacement, and the station is rebranding itself “The Beat”, less than two and a half years after rebranding itself from “Q92” to “92.5 the Q”. It’s unclear what kind of format change will come along with the rebranding, but there’s speculation that the station will try to be more like CJFM (Virgin Radio 96) in order to steal some of the No. 1 station’s audience and give Montrealers even less choice in music selection on the radio.

John Bartlett to be voice of Habs for Team 990

It’s probably a coincidence, but competing AM station Team 990 also has a Thursday announcement that was leaked to The Gazette. John Bartlett, formerly the announcer for the Toronto Marlies (the Leafs’ farm team) will join CKGM as play-by-play man for the Canadiens. The station won the rights to Canadiens games away from CJAD this summer.

Bell Media says colour analysts (they used the plural) will be announced in the coming weeks. The Gazette’s Hockeyinsideout.com has an interview with Bartlett, which appears in Thursday’s paper.

91 thoughts on “Aaron Rand moves to CJAD afternoons

  1. AlexH

    A little bit surprising, but sort of in keeping with the goals of CJAD.

    My personal feeling is that the people leaving are all great people, but perhaps a little bit “too young” for CJAD. I know the owners have been trying to get a younger edge on things, but I think they may have slightly overshot the mark a bit, gone a little too far. Heck, even some of the bumper music has been a little on the aggressive side, enough certainly to chase my father into turning the radio off.

    Aaron Rand will bring a voice, an opinion, and a more stable and mature attitude to the gig, and sliding Ric Peterson earlier may give the station a little more “meat and potatoes”, as opposed to the fluffy stuff that Kim seemed to be drawn towards.

    Barry Morgan seems to have done a very good job as the “replacement for everyone”, and it will be interesting to see if he can make the evening slot work. Obviously, he has a big hole to fill with the Canadiens gone, but it has to be better than having those hacks from Toronto on a re-broadcast.

    As long as they don’t screw up the (bleeping) comedy show, it’s all okay. When is Andrew Carter going to retire? I can’t stand the morning show!

    1. Nancy

      I agree about Andrew Carter. He literally cannot utter a sentence without 4 or 5 “uhs” in it, sometimes between syllables of a word. I can’t breathe listening to him.

      I’m one of those facebook fans thrilled that Aaron is getting back on the air, though disappointed that Tasso won’t be with him.

      1. Gazoo

        Sorry count me out for being a fan of this move. Could not stand Rand on the Q and will definitely not tune in to CJAD in the pm. Rand has passed his expirary date!
        While we are at it, how does Schnumacher manage to continuosly come away from such moves unscathed. Another one who’s time has long reached the past due date

        1. DonJuan

          Gazoo, I have to agree with you regarding Aaron Rand. Rand without Tasso just doesn’t do it for me. I liked Ric in that spot and wish they hadn’t moved him. If they wanted Rand why didn’t they put him in the afternoon slot?

          I also agree with you on Tommy S. CJAD lost me when he took over that slot.

          1. Steve

            I was never a CJAD fan because the station always seemed to cater to the geriatric crowd. Basically, CJAD was your grandfather’s station.

            I listend to Rand when he was at AM 60 in the early 1980s doing ‘zoo radio’. After he left AM 60, he took a watered down ‘zoo radio’ act to other stations, but never really did much to distinguish himself from other old-timers who lost their edges and went into repeat mode, doing the same thing day after day after day.

    2. Markis

      Alex’s comment “When is Andrew Carter going to retire? I can’t stand the morning show!”

      I was so hoping that Aaron was going to take over the morning show at CJAD. I cannot stand Andrew Carter. There is something about him that is so irritating. I also find that he is truly unprofessional. Often at times you can here him hitting the table with something non stop as he is reading something….What? He thinks people cannot hear that?? I think he should be re-united with Peter Marier and they should both go do a morning show in some deserted island somewhere far far away….Just my 2 cents…..

  2. Bobby D

    Well for the Habs’ thing..Never heard of John Bartlett, although he will probably do well, Although Many thought that the Bulldogs; Derek Willis had the inside track, especially seeing he knows a lot of the Habs’ players when they were in Hamilton these past few years..So I am curious as to why Bartlett over Willis…

    But now for the big news..I believe that Martin Spalding, and also having spoken to him in his office ofr other matters is all for creativity and personality, which is why Terry DiMonte is coming back…and this is what he’s done at ‘AD ….and from noon to 10, It will now be solid..Although I liked Rick Peterson in the PM drive…and Martin does say so much in the Gazette article about personality….which on the surface, would be directed against the current staff of those shifts being replaced.

    But, in terms of young talent, that maybe years down the road..but they would be advised to cut their teeth of the Sudbury-St.Catherines-London type markets..as sadly there are lots of people getting major market gigs right away..and in this case it showed…I’ve worked Radio in Northern Ontarion ( Kapuskasing-Timmins) nice towns and not damp in the winter and not humid in the summer and this is not a knock on them….The Suburban should welcome Mr.Delmar back….As Mr. Laxer, he’s made a lot of questionable comments,etc, against women, etc, some of which were commented on here…that it would be a matter of time..this is where small or medium markets might be a good fresh start and Astral has a few of them..

    Public comments that I have observed here and other sites, noted that ‘AD was getting stagnant, so this is the result..I believe after letting these changes get settled in and in motion, the 9 to 12 slot will be next to get a new lease on life..Are you still there James Mennie..and mornings will probably be after that. So stay tuned folks.. But don’t touch Coast to Coast..you can’t get more personality and creative with those guys there lke George Noory, Ian Punnett..

    1. Gazoo

      Agree on the 9-12 time slot that it’s time for change but not James Meannie.
      With all these continual changes a CJAD, have tuned out for the past couple of years and Rand will not bring me back.

  3. Bill

    CJAD is a dinosaur but luckily for them, also the only game in town.

    If they wanted a decent lineup, they’d thrown in a counterbalance by adding a progressive voice on Tommy’s show and debate rather than hearing his rants that sound like they originate from the PMO. And end this nonsense of half hour topics that get about 15 minutes coverage after ads ,news and traffic reports. But I imagine it suits their demographic who aren’t really paying attention anyhow.

    Peterson at noon could be interesting. But his 1-3 gig with Suzanne D sounds lightweight (Didn’t this already fail with Trudie and Kevin?)

    Aaron Rand 3-7, I guess it won’t be like it was years ago when he was on afternoon’s..that was funny stuff. I don’t hold out much hope for innovation but again, it’s a safe demo except for game nights where a chunk may flock to 900 for pre Habs games.

    I think it’s a big mistake giving Barry Morgan 3 hours a night. Good radio voice but don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone more boring.

    I listen to CJAD overnight because I get a kick out of C2C where the station evens F@#ks that up by playing infomercials on weekends…but I switch it to VPR during the days.

    From this announcement, no reason to change my pattern.

  4. Bill

    I just went back to CJAD’s last round of house cleaning from an earlier piece you had posted.


    Here’s who they turfed then….

    Peter Anthony Holder, overnight host
    Laurie MacDonald, Laurie & Olga host
    Olga Gazdovic, Laurie & Olga host
    Kevin Holden, Kevin & Trudie host
    Al Gravelle, Solid Gold Saturdays host
    Jake Lawrence, Solid Gold Sunday Nights host
    Kathryn Coulombe, news anchor
    Rod Dewar, editorialist

    And here were the replacements.

    Dan Laxer will be taking the Kevin and Trudie spot from 2-4 weekdays
    Laxer’s weekday evening slot is taken over by a syndicated show, The Ryan Doyle Show, from CFRB
    Ray Scott takes over Solid Gold Sundays from Jake Lawrence
    Former CBC host Anne Lagacé-Dowson takes over (on an interim basis) the spot left by Laurie & Olga at 1-4 Saturdays
    Saturday evenings will have “weekend” versions of weekday shows

    And now the replacements have been given the boot.

    1. Philip

      Also interesting is the fact that all those people left just like that and didn’t have a chance to say goodbye. (also Kevin and Trudie were on holiday when the changes were announced)

      This year, they are all getting to finish up until after Labour Day (and Kim is on vacation at this moment)

      I want to see to see the complete schedule now. I hope they fill everything up. I remember early 2010 where they were saying that there schedule was 24 hours/24 hours and their weekend schedule was more complete. Now, with the hockey gone, they need to fill a lot of the holes and not just have “best ofs” all the time”

    2. Bobby D

      Those replacements I believe were named by then PD Mike Bendixen, cut in the same cloth as Bob Harris, and the last CHOM PD by the name of Tremblay…Enough Said !!!

  5. Jim

    Why oh why was Anne Lagace-Dowson removed from her Saturday show? She offered a progressive voice, lots of experience, interesting guests and an engaging, first-class interviewing style. If CJAD finds a place for her, let’s hope it’s a good one.
    As for Kim Fraser, when will someone have the good sense to toss her and her shrill tirades over the side?

  6. Barbara Goffman

    I am sad for Dan Laxer – I saw him becoming more comfortable on his show and was enjoying it a lot.

    I think E. Rand is very fortunate to get this great job at CJAD. Hope he will be good as a talk show host???
    Time will tell…….
    B. Goffman

  7. Just Me

    Isn’t this a bit of a demotion for Ric Peterson? Isn’t the #1 show a radio station has is it’s morning show, and the #2 show the afternoon drive home show? Mr. Peterson has been kicked out of the #2 show to do an earlier afternoon show. He won’t admit it publicly, but I bet he’s pissed.

    1. AlexH

      I have a feeling that CJAD may be trying a bit of a shift with the drive show. Ric Peterson is a great guy, but the show had sort of become a bit of a downer every day, with Ric’s take on why life sucks. He always seemed to be able to find a downer story or two to brighten the afternoon drive home. I suspect the tune out factor is pretty high.

      Aaron Rand will likely bring a lighter, more positive, and more enjoyable “spin” to the drive home time, less about how the politicians have screwed everything up.

      I also think that CJAD is looking at the likely arrival of the “all traffic” stations, english and french, as a real downer to their current drive time programming. I can picture people tuing to the traffic channel to get what’s up, and then tuning somewhere to be entertained. I won’t be shocked if the traffic reports become somewhat secondary, especially on the drive home show.

      I think what is happening to Ric Peterson is he is getting sent to remedial school. Pairing him up with Suzanne is likely to take some of the edge off his near anger on many topics, and give him a sunnier outlook.

      My long term guess is that Aaron Rand will move to replace Andrew Carter in the mornings, Ric Peterson will get the drive time slot back, and Suzanne will run the noon to three segment. I am suspect no later than fall next year, probably sooner, and Aaron Rand will be allowed to bring Tasso back on board, and run out his days to seed in the chair at CJAD, maybe another 10 – 15 years.

      Anyone know when Andrew Carter’s contract expires?

      1. Sherrill Pearson

        Andrea Carter needs another career… period. He has lost his way with his show and seems bored and way way too comfortable to the point he doesn’t seem to give a @(#$ anymore.
        Ergo, neither do his listeners from what i have read here. My girlfriend who drives 40 mins to work every day can’t take him anymore. He just seems to pee me off most of the time now. Humour wins every time. When he first started he was funny and even AWAKE. And his banter with John Moore was always great radio.

        I’m really not convinced that Barry Morgan fits Delmar’s old spot. He sounds like he is filling in for whom ever has that ‘temporary assignment slot’ between 7-10. No one seems to keep that show for long. You no sooner get comfortable with ‘the new guy’ and he is snatched away and you’re left to reorient again.

        Can’t say I’m sorry Kim Fraser is gone, I found her over-bearing and too yakkity-yak. Now she is going to share air time with Joe Schwarz – I just hope to God she can keep her mouth from chortling while he is trying to do his show. What a drag that’s going to be.

        Blah blah blah, CJAD has become a huge bore. And, I don’t even both listening any more. Sad but true. Going to try some other way to get my radio fix with Sirrius or whatever it’s called.

        1. Al

          Andrew Carter is not going anywhere. He, just like George Balcan and probably Dave Fisher on the weekends, will have his morning show until he decides to leaves it. He is unoffensive, a journalist by training, self-effacing, humorous, with a very pleasant voice, particularly for morning radio. I’d bet my life on it, even in the fickle radio business.

  8. Peter T

    we are Fans of Aaron, witty, funny….a good fit, doubt tasso will make appearances though,,,,,,,,,

    Ric P does a fine job in the afternoons……always looked forward to turn radio @ 4 for drive in……….very unfortunate for him…..dont understand the Suzanne insertion ……whenever she is on replacing or doing weather I change channels….very very very lightweight for the weather alone….I cant imagine a talk show…..I am guessing they are testing the waters….see how it reacts with female listeners,,,,,,my guess 1-2 months……good riddance Kim fraser,,,,,not able to listen to her,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Dan lazer was very light weight…..I guess they need to fill airtime – no loss there…albeit a tough job nonetheless. Delmar was sure on the rise….witty…interesting and good voice……….hoping they find a spot for him

    welcome back AR

    1. Just Me

      I thought Dan Laxer did a good job, I enjoyed listenning to him and will miss him. As for Dan Delmar, he writes in his blog that he’s never been a “radio guy” and had made a decision to leave CJAD a couple months ago. His blog is here:

        1. Steve W

          They announced a fancy title(‘Daytime producer’) for Dan Delmar, but all it is that he produces the weekday shows of Ric Peterson(12-1pm) & the Ric & Suzanne Show(1-3pm). He’ll still hosts the two weekly CJAD shows he was hosting before, including The Next Gang of 4 Sunday nights.

  9. Philip

    2 Questions.

    1. With Kim Fraser on the weekends not just replacing Anne, what’s happening to Sundays? Presumably On Saturdays it’s just to replace Anne, but there is a big block on Sunday, with Health Beat at 12, Legal Lounge at 1, Shatilla’s Hollywood at 2 and Joe Schwarcz at 3, not to mention Comedy Show. Are any of these shows being moved or cancelled? They are really only focusing on the Weekdays.

    BTW, what about Dr. Mitch, Cinzia Cuneo. or any of the regular segments on Kim’s show? Will they move with her or move on with Ric or Aaron. (Honestly, I wouldn’t mind the shift to a bit more fluffier topics on Saturday afternoon in the vein of Laurie and Olga. but that’s just me)

    2) I know that Dan Delmar left of his own accord but what about his show on Sunday night’s The Next Gang of Four? Is he continuing on with that? Again, no mention of the weekend schedule except for Kim.

    BTW, I’m not on Facebook and I ‘ve heard that Dan Laxer posted his thoughts on his demotion on his page but I can’t access it. Is there a way that one can tell me what he said.


    1. Fagstein Post author

      Dan Laxer wrote the following on Facebook:

      Hi Folks.

      Some of you have already heard that my daily radio program, Laxer Live, has been canceled. There are changes coming to CJAD after Labour Day, and unfortunately I am not part of them. But I am still hosting the CJAD Trivia Show with Dave Fisher. I have been lucky enough to be a part of that show for the past decade (Wow! Has it been that long?). So you can still hear me on the mighty 800 Sunday mornings from 9:00-noon.

      As for Laxer Live, I won’t lie, I am disappointed, and I will miss weekday afternoons. Having my own radio show on CJAD has changed my life in so many ways, and opened so many doors. I’m hoping to nudge them open just a little bit wider and see where they lead.

      That being said, I am not leaving CJAD. Being a part of the Trivia Show is some of the most fun I’ve ever had, and Dave Fisher and I will continue to fill your Sunday mornings with laughs.

      So, what do you say? See you Sunday?

      1. Nicole-Niki

        Although I am sad to be losing Kim Fraser on weekday afternoons, I am pleased to hear Kim Fraser is taking over on weekend afternoons. I always found Anne Lagace Dowson’s topics a bit too heavy for weekend consumption.

  10. Karen

    I agree with Gazoo. I couldn’t stand Aaron Rand on Q92 and was glad to hear that he left…sorry but he was boring and past his time.
    CJAD can have him and I will make sure not to listen during his time slot.
    That’s radio business, right!?

  11. Philip

    Has anybody heard what the weekend schedules are going to look like? All I know is that Kim Fraser is going to be on the weekends from 1 to 4.

    So does that mean that on Saturday the only thing that will change is that Kim will replace Anne and there will just be more best ofs after Mose’s show?

    Also on Sunday. Which Sunday shows will Kim be replacing? Also will Paris take over for Dan during the Next Gang of Four or will that be gotten rid of altogether.

    I’m curious, because except for Kim’s transition we haven’t heard anything about the weekend schedule.

    1. Fagstein Post author

      Has anybody heard what the weekend schedules are going to look like? All I know is that Kim Fraser is going to be on the weekends from 1 to 4.

      For Saturdays, Fraser’s timeslot replaces Anne Lagacé Dowson exactly, and I assume the rest of the schedule remains unchanged.

      For Sundays, Fraser displaces three one-hour shows (Legal Lounge with Chris Dimakos, Ann Shatilla’s Hollywood Trend Report and The Dr. Schwarcz Show). CJAD Brand Director Chris Bury says all three of those shows are staying, and will find new timeslots. A full schedule will be released in a few days, he says.

      1. Philip

        I was just listening to CJAD Sunday afternoon radio. Here’s what I heard from the 4 shows.

        As of next week, (or the week after that as there is a football game next week)
        1. Tracey McKee had a pretaped health show and stated that they would be back at the same time next week.
        2. Christopher Dimakos (live) said that he hoped that they would get the 12:00 slot contradicting what Tracey McKee said so things must have changed? BTW, He did give Kim glowing comments about the previous night when they were at Laura Casella’s wedding.
        3. Ann Shatilla was pre taped, no mention of any changes there.
        4. Here’s the biggie. Joe Schwarcz is not moving at all. He said in two week’s time, He’s going to be on during the final Sunday hour with Kim as his sidekick. He didn’t seem too enthusiastic. Do you think she knows more than the Cookie Diet?

        So there you have it Fagstein. Seems like she’ll have all 3 Saturday hours as main host but has to share one Sunday Hour with Joe Schwarcz. (I wonder if this has to do with Joe’s simulcast with the Ontario radio station and the Trivia Show ) I don’t know where they will move the shows from 1-3 Sunday. Are they going to fill in the Saturday hours after Mose’s show or are they going to have Best of shows after that? They are losing one of those Best of shows next week and I am not sure how many “Best of Joey Elias shows” I can take during the weekend.

        Also, I wonder what will happen with all the regular contributors? Why could Dr. Mitch, Gabby Dufresne Cyr or Cinzia Cuneo come to see Kim on the weekends? Will Dan Cook , Cristy Blatchford and Ann Shatilla move with Ric?

        Finally, I heard that while Ann will be participating on the Gang of Four now, Dan Delmar will still be hosting “THE Next Gang of Four” in the near future.

        1. Steve W

          Dr. Joe’s show hasn’t been simulcast on CFRB Toronto for a little while(CFRB dumped the show maybe close to a year ago).

  12. Culp

    First off, did everybody’s life have to be turned upside down to make room for Aaron Rand? I heard Rick Mofatt on sports with Andrew Carter this morning. Where’s Abe Hefter? Did they turf him out to weekends only? Why? He would have been a perfect fit with Rand rather than giving Barry Morgan cake and ice cream in the same day. Nothing against Barry but it would have been more equitable. Hefter has a quick wit that perks everything up. I feel bad for Dan Laxer-the poor guy just bought a house. Sadly, I always knew his gig would be temporary, and honestly, I feel he knew it too. He was forced into being the kind of radio host that he’s not. He would have been better suited to feel good weekends.

    Oh, that Kookie Kim, who from what I saw recently, has wolfed down one Kookie too many. Sigh O Nara, Big Momma; next stop-Balconville.

    Dan Delmar, who let’s face it is a bit of a schmuck, was entertaining to listen to. He was eager, creative, offbeat and irreverent, which was a nice change from the normal fare. He says he’s not a radio guy, yet I don’t see him blogging for the Globe and Mail now, do I? Fact is, he is a radio guy and Astral would be wise to cultivate his quirky on air talents and produce a Delmar 2.0 sometime soon.

    As for Aaron rand, oversold, overcooked, and a legend in his own mind…Most likely they have given him a 2 year deal, at no where near the dough he was making before. Tasso has gotten the royal shaft; he’ll never be back. Sad though as he had all the real talent in the marriage.

    By next year, the ace up CJAD’s sleeve will be flushed out and Suzanne will be paired up with him again to boost sagging ratings. 2 years from now, they will be contemplating change again.

    1. Sherrill Pearson

      Couldn’t agree more with your comments on Delmar…except for the schmuck part. Dictionary definition of a schmuck is a ‘jerk’ or someone like Kevin Holden. He was the original schmuck.
      But I digress. Delmar is a ‘radio guy’ – he’s relaxed without being dopey like Andrew Carter and opinionated without being obnoxious like K.Fraser (IS) unfortunately.

      I understand she is going to be paired with Joe Schwarcz – oy…that shrieky attention seeking forced laugh, is totally going to annoy both audience and Schwarcz alike.

  13. Sheldon

    It took less than an hour in to the Aaron Rand era at CJAD for him to bring in Suzanne Desautels to sit and “hold his hand” as he put it. I didn’t stick around for very long to see how much time she put in. I have to agree with “Culp” that it probably won’t be all that long before the two are paired up again. I think that Ric Peterson could easily handle the mid-afternoon show on his own.

  14. Wayne Speirs

    I think that Dave Fisher is the morning guy. I don’t know why he is only on the weekends (Which is the only time I will listen to CJAD) This guy is fabulouse and would reach the level of Gorge Balcan. He has a radiant personality that comes right through the radio. There hasn’t been a great morning man since George but I know Dave could do it.

    Wayne Speirs

    1. Sherrill Pearson

      I love that ole curmudgeon. He is a bottom-line kinda guy and has a honest straight-forward manner without losing his ‘soft-centre’, which he doesn’t try very hard to hide. He just is great company and you respect him.

    2. Bobby D

      Definitely agree with Wayne, currently he’s the closest thing to George. it’s like the Habs haven’t really replaced Guy on the right wing or Jean Beliveau, the big strapping centre on the powerplay parked in front of the net….

      but folks listen here, of the few announcers that have done the morning gig since George left, I have heard in the past and trumpeted on air at 800 in the past, the highest quarter-hours have been with Terry DiMonte….oh!

      Terry is on the way back in a few months to CHOM,but my gut feeling is that after a few years back at CHOM to get the numbers back, and who knows maybe groom a successor, but then finish off his wonderful radio career at 800 News Talk and like that feature uoted Terry as saying to Terry all those years ago, “don’t try and fill in my shoes, but put yours next to mine. ”

      P.S. Did anyone ever think, that possibly Dave Fisher is happy just doing weekends and filling for vacations..Just wondering

      1. Just Me

        I think you’re right about Dave Fisher liking to do the weekends, and filling in on the morning show when needed. And he’s excellent whether he’s doing the weekend or morning show.

  15. Philip

    Just heard on Aaron Rand’s show last night before he left.

    Abe Hefter is permanently moving to the weekends for Sports and probable Trivia Show fill in host. He also hosts the dollars and sense show on Wednesday’s. (BTW, It’s really interesting that Rick Moffatt is participating in the Free For all’s as well)

    Here’s something I hadn’t heard about Kim Fraser. Aaron said that in a way Kim didn’t get a demotion. She is now the Executive Producer at CJAD and thus has more responsibility. So I guess that means for the whole station not just one show.

    BTW, speaking of the changes, now that Ric has changed time slots, I guess that means that he doesn’t have all his guests on his new show like Ann Shatilla and Christy Blatchford and they aren’t going to show up on Aaron Rand’s show.

    1. Just Me

      I don’t know about Christy Blatchford, but Anne Shatilla IS on Aaron Rand’s show, she’s on just before the 4:55 sports.

    2. Larry

      “…Kim didn’t exactly get a demotion”. Really??!! Well, her official (self-penned, no doubt) bio on cjad.com said she was appointed executive producer years ago before she ever made it on air. Then she made it on weekday air, and now has been cast off to the weekend wasteland and they supposedly put her back to exec. producer (or maybe she never left it). Anyway you slice it, she got knocked down a peg or three. BTW, according to the bio, she was star, producer, and director of her Emmy award winning The Kim Fraser Show. Translation: she gave the cues to the button guy to take her in and out of commercials. Now that is talent, with a Kapital K. Can’t listen to her, thank God for internet radio. Note to Kim: Your bio is now entitled Saturdays and Sundays in Montreal but towards the end it still reads “….The Kim Fraser Show, which can be heard weekdays from noon to two.” Looks like the executive star, producer, and director named Kim kan’t kuite kut it as an executive editor.

      PS. Let’s start a petition to get Abe Hefter back to Primetime. Anything less won’t do.

      1. Philip

        I get it Larry. You don’t like Kim. But I don’t take to cutesy personal attacks. I understand you don’t like Kim, that’s fine by me. Different strokes for different folks. But I really don’t think we know what her new job entails. What she is in charge with at CJAD. So we shouldn’t make assumptions, whomever we like or dislike. Anyways I have a right to ignore or skim posts I find offensive.

        Perhaps Abe Hefter prefers to stay where he is on the weekends doing sports and filling in at the Trivia Show when needed. Again, we don’t know the whole story, so we shouldn’t jump to conclusions.

      2. Nancy

        Larry, if you’re not in comedy you should be. I nearly spit out my spaghetti reading your comments on Kim Fraser. Thank you!

  16. Gord, NYC

    Will join the chorus of praise for Dave Fisher — truly CJAD’s unsung hero. Avuncular, but never glib. He’s great company — as another poster noted. Long may he reign on weekend mornings.

    1. Katie

      I was listening to Ric and Suzanne this afternoon when Aaron Rand came on to promote his interview with Christie Blanchford who was going to take to task late 50’s and over 60 year old men who relentlessly think they can score with women decades younger, claiming that their “small-headed thinking” makes them delusional. Suzanne quipped, “you would know!”. Quite a telling quip for anyone who knows Aaron’s past and the reason his ex-wife divorced him.

    2. Steve

      Fisher is boring, boring, boring…, so was Balcan, so was Finnigan…! All boring. CJAD is so inoffensive that people actually think theswe guys were good, but the inoffesive nature of your grandfather’s radio station made it all boring, all the time!

  17. Philip

    For those who care, The Sunday Schedule has been finalized today

    6-9 am :Dave’s World
    9-12 am: Trivia Show
    12-1 pm: Legal Lounge
    1-4 pm: Kim Fraser
    4-5 pm: Joe Schwarcz From What Joe Schwarcz talked about in his last broadcast, he was supposed to stay at the same hour but have Kim as his sidekick. I don’t think he was best pleased,so perhaps he complained and got his way, but Kim could still stay on. )
    5-6 pm: Ann Shatilla
    6-7 pm: Tracey McKee Health Beat
    7-8:pm 60 Minutes, yes THE 60 Minutes
    8-9 pm: Next Gang of Four (with Paris and Dan Delmar)
    9-11pm: Sid Miller
    11-12 am: Joey Elias Replay

    So the only show that lose out is the real estate show, but don’t they have one earlier in the week? and Gang of 4 loses an hour. Nothing really moves to Saturday. Pity as I am getting sick of all the replays on Saturday night. Is that what is replacing hockey?

    1. Steve W

      Are you sure the Real Estate show loses out? Paris Mansouri said last weekend, it’s returning. In anycase it’s a sponsored show. Are you sure Paris joins Dan Delmar on Next Gang of Four(never heard that? The original format of Next Gang of 4 was an hour program.

    2. Steve W

      The schedule you show is unreliable. Dr Joe Schwarcz stays from 3-4pm Sundays(but with sidekick Kim Fraser). I checked with the station.

        1. Steve W

          OK we’ll wait & see. I still stand what I said. Yes, I did see CJAD Sunday schedule on their website(which matches what Philip posted). I’m saying Dr. Joe is still 3-4pm & Real Estate Show is 6-7pm.

  18. Neil K.

    CJAD’s sister station CFRB in Toronto has been simulcasting 60 Minutes’ audio for a few years now. I haven’t checked to see if other Astral talk stations also simulcast the show, but I wouldn’t be surprised.

  19. Marisa

    I’ve been a faithful listener to CJAD radio for close to thirty years. Over the years there have been many on air changes which I have disagreed with, however, I don’t think the latest weekday changes are working. One overlooked talent who would do well with his own show is Andrew Peplowski. Would like to hear more from Anne Legace Dowson weekdays. I also miss the Kim Fraser show at noon, in particular the food show with Cinzia Cuneo, but happy that atleast her show is on weekends. And please to the powers that be, leave Tommy’s show exactly where it is. I’m finding that the weekend lineup is proving to be way more interesting, informative and entertaining than the weekday line up.

  20. liam

    It’s time to get rid of Andrew Carter, Tommy and Trudy the graffiti
    rights activist. This will give others such as Joey Elias, more air time.
    CJAD will lose more rank, if these three remain because they lack
    humour and, seems to hate the job they do

  21. Philip

    I’ve also read in Mike Cohen’s Suburban column, that the traffic reports will be tinkred with. They’ve moved the traffic reporters around. Orla Johannes has now moved to mornings, then in early afternoon, Catherine Wood is on and then Eramelinda Boquer takes the drive home. Sharman is now finished with traffic but will still be hosting her shows on Saturdays. Weekends are now Michel Boyer and Kira Yaeger, so no more Barb Purcell, Esteban Vargas or Matt Ward.

    BTW, Whatever happend to Patrick Charles, I have not heard anything from him in a long while and wher is Egbert Gaye on the Gang of 4? I thought Tommy loved him on that show. And speaking of Tommy, does he still have the Single ladies on Friday?

    1. Michael D

      And more to come, I am hearing from my trusty sources, Tommy S. is next to go, but after the recent major changes get settled in with the listeners, some folks want Jim Mennie, but he’s got a cushy thing with Gazette/ Canwest….union and all and seniority, would he risk that for the general insecurity of radio…

      Traffic should now be more solidified, as there were too many part timers, one never knew ho was on, it was a hodge-podge before….

      Also hear they’re working on stuff for Saturdays after 5, but against hockey and people going out on Saturday nights. it’s a tough sell..still think bring back a music show of oldies over 3 decades is the best way to go…..I am hearing the sex show is done..but your guess is good as mine as to what goes there..
      Listeners should really credit management for having the courage to do a wholesale makeover. CJAD really was getting stale and stagnant…The universe is unfolding.

      1. Philip

        Now it seems as if Sharman is on the move again. Starting this Saturday October 15th, there are more changes. While Sharman will still be hosting the Travel Show, the next hour which used to be Showtime has now been replaced on Saturdays at Noon, by a show hosted by CTV’S Todd Van Der Hayden who used to fill in for Anne Lagace Dowson. His show a issues led show will be on between 12-1 pm. between the Travel Show and Live with Kim.

        Showtime is still on the Weekend schedule but the show will move to Sunday after Kim’s hour with Joe Schwarcz and will lose a half hour and now the 4:00 pm hour will be made up of Showtime and Ann Shatilla’s shows, each for a half hour. (Sunday’s is different due to a CFL game)

        I don’t know why all these changes are necessary but it does look like Sharman does seem to lose out a bit.

    2. Steve W

      Nothing was said who’s doing the traffic weekends on CJAD. It’s up to Canadian Traffic Network(CTN) who they hire, & for what shifts. I have my doubts it would stay Michel Boyer & Kira Yager. Maybe Barb Purcell left several weeks ago, because she knew these changes would come(haven’t heard her anywhere else on the radio dial).

    1. Drew

      the show isn’t the same without him. The women on the show are all interchangeable. it’s just a bunch of agreeable people now.

  22. Steve W

    More changes to CJAD weekend schedule. Viewpoints with Todd van der Heyden debut this afternoon from noon to 1pm(taking over the Showtime timeslot). Showtime moves to Sunday afternoons, but it’s back to an half-hour program(based on what’s posted on CJAD program schedule on their website, they say it’s regular slot is Sundays at 4pm). This Sunday, Showtime is 5pm because of the Als game on CJAD. Hollywood Trend Report with Ann Shatilla is now back to an half-hour program format, & it follows Showtime on Sundays. I hear there’s a new Saturday food show coming to CJAD in November, hosted by Frederic Morin & David McMillan(the two chefs from Joe Beef restaurant).

    1. Michael D

      And you ain’t seen nothin’ yet !!

      I assume Legal Lounge is bumped for football…the challenge is to get something on Saturday nights, a dead zone for AM radio in this town with hockey and people out….That Food show could be a good start…I am sure those Best of’s are temporary,but keep saying, PUT BACK A SATURDAY OLDIES SHOW, BUT SOMEONE WITH PERSONALITY AND CREATIVITY, IN OTHER WORDS, SOMEONE NEW, NOT A RECYCLED JOCK..

      AM Radio on a Saturday night is like all nighter, more of a background or an intimate friend type of thing.. Amen !

    2. Philip

      Already mentioned in my above post. It is sad that Sharman is in a way getting demoted. I thought Sharman was one of the better showbiz type shows. I am a bit tired of her British show praising but I think she’s one of the better ones next to John Moore. Did Sharman say anything at the end of her Travel show broadcast?

      Like somebody said I wish they would have moved some new live programming on Saturday night. I am not really a fan of all these best of shows. They need some live programming on Saturdays. Maybe bring back the Al and Era show on a Saturday Night. I also wish that Something else like Sol was on on weekday overnights. When I wake up at around 3:30 am I don’t care to listen to Art Bell or whatever is o now on CJAD overnight. I’d rather listen to something more local. Now with CBC not available on the FM dial I usually have to see if I can get the Hamilton station o listen to Dr. Joy. At least when Sol was on CJAD I didn’t agree with him, but he was good entertainment.

      It’s nice to see Todd VanDer Heyden on CJAD, but I was just wondering. Up to a couple of years ago. Was CJAD only allowed to mesh with Global. I remember Andrew Carter used to have a daily Press review link up with the local Global morning show and when John Moore had his show “Guy Stuff”, most of the TV stars he would get would would be from Global, not from CTV. Now, for a little while, we’ve got more CJAD/CTV interaction, but that wasn’t always the case. I think one network was involved with Astral and the other with Corus Entertainment.

      1. Michael D

        Well Philip, Dr. Joy is not local, but we need Coast to Coast,, I am all for local especially the daytime, and not canned syndicated stuff,, but we need something out there that the mainstream press doen’t touch,,until public presssure forces their hand..

        So keep Coast to Coast…so many times they have come out with stuff….that comes out after..they must be doing something, FBI listening on them everybight. Art Bell’s son getting kidnapped to keep Art quiet…It must stay on !!

    3. Philip

      Hi Steve,

      They have started airing the commercials for the new food show hosted by the owners of Joe Beef which will premiere on Saturdays at 4 pm. Have you heard if this show will replace Mose Persico’s show or will that show be moved to a later time? They really should look into replacing some of the many Best Of Shows on Saturday evening for something Fresh.

      But really, I can’t take all these changes in such a short time span!!!

  23. Tara

    Is it possible the smarmy voice that’s delivering CJAD traffic is the same guy who spent the day of the Dawson shootings sounding like he was auditioning to be the next Walter Cronkite?

    He was a student “eyewitness” (I think the only thing he saw was the microphone) who kept popping up like the dog in the Snausages commercial to wax eloquent on his experience. After such blatent chicanery, I’d hoped his picture would be up in every station in the city as someone to avoid, kind of like pictures of shoplifters in stores.

    Yet, I’m quite certain this is who CJAD has seen fit to hire. He’s horrible. I’m sure he’s spent many hours practicing his inflections and pitch; certain, in fact, because he actually tries to incorporate his whole bag of tricks into every sentence. He messes up every traffic report, which I guess is ok with him because it gives him more airtime as he melodiously butchers the broadcast.

    1. Fagstein Post author

      Is it possible the smarmy voice that’s delivering CJAD traffic is the same guy who spent the day of the Dawson shootings sounding like he was auditioning to be the next Walter Cronkite?

      I believe you’re referring to Michel Boyer. And yes, it is indeed the same fellow.

        1. Fagstein Post author

          Could you elaborate on what happened with this guy Michel Boyer?

          Not really. He made himself very visible during the Dawson shootings, and appeared to try to take advantage of the situation to increase his public exposure. Now he works as a traffic reporter. I don’t know what happened in between.

  24. BOB

    can’t believe the amount of commercials….Andrew Carter plays 30 minutes or more an hour and then he talks commericals I switched to CBC

  25. Pingback: Radio ratings: A good fall for Cogeco and CKGM – Fagstein

  26. Alain Guindon

    CJAD just sucks! English listeners are subjected to rant radio and boring hosts with questionable skills spewing often ill informed comments. I lived in many places on this planet, but being an english listener in Montreal I am angered by this kind service to our market.

    So disappointed,

  27. Philip

    Now a year later,

    More people are leaving. Maniac Mike Babins’s last day is Today as he’s moving to Vancouver Tomorrow and Kim is finally leaving for good next Saturday. ( I bet you that comic store guy who was on a couple of weeks ago takes over) I wonder if there will be any more changes in the next week or so this September.
    Has anybody heard anything?

    I’ve also noticed that Dan Laxer was doing Traffic last night Saturday night He doesn’t rally have that much left does he save the Trivia show. Michel Boyer has gone from Traffic to news reporter to newsreader.

    Also, why does Barry Morgans nightly weekday show get preempted for Ryan Doyle but Barry Morgan is still filling in for people like Aaron Rand or Andrew Carter? Why not keep the Barry Morgan show going if he’s still working at the station in the summer?

    1. Steve W

      Heard Kim Fraser today at end of her final CJAD Saturday afternoon program broadcast, but indicated she could still come back on-air at CJAD during the holiday period as a sub. I think Michel Boyer only does the CJAD newscasts as a sub(when they’re short of staff).


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