Someone want to explain to me what this is? Taken at 4:20am (more than an hour before sunrise), facing south-southeast toward downtown.
Is it … aliens? The moon? Some secret government experiment? Aurora borealis? Patrick Lagacé?
Someone want to explain to me what this is? Taken at 4:20am (more than an hour before sunrise), facing south-southeast toward downtown.
Is it … aliens? The moon? Some secret government experiment? Aurora borealis? Patrick Lagacé?
Seen at a store on Ste. Catherine St.
There’s quelque chose that strikes moi about this image, but je can pas put my doigt on it.
I’m pretty sure the aliens are trying to send us a message.
I was a bit curious why, on a bus at 2 a.m., a woman would be carrying a poster with pictures of Guy A. Lepage tied to it with white paper clips. I’d even considered asking her.
But I fear any rational explanation for this, and so I kind of prefer it to remain a mystery.
Spotted at Cremazie metro on Oct. 3
I have seen a lot of strange things happen in the metro system before, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone decorate a cake.
Can you guess which one?
Just when you thought the ex-Expos couldn’t embarrass themselves further, quickly grabbing the worst record in baseball by losing their first seven games of the season (and 10 of 11), they made themselves into even more of a laughing stock by misspelling their own name.
I’d laugh if it wasn’t so sad.
Paper with quotation on a traffic light post on St. Denis St.
Sunday night on my way home, I noticed a piece of paper with a quotation on it taped to a bus stop post. I didn’t think anything of it until I passed by another stop and noticed another quote on another piece of paper. In the end, there were similar pieces of paper taped on or near bus stops along the 361’s route from Old Montreal to Ahuntsic.
No idea why. Naturally, their flimsy construction and unauthorized nature meant they didn’t last long.
You know, part of me imagines that everyone reads the Journal de Montréal like this.
Or 24 Heures like this.
There are, amazingly, hundreds more where these came from.
Unionized journalists aren’t the only people spreading around online petitions. Kristian Gravenor is peddling one to convince the Canadiens to have William Shatner sing the national anthem at a game.
Steve Proulx’s slow descent into madness continues, as he locks himself in a small room with only a recorder and a webcam to keep him company.
He’s taking requests (Freebird?). He’s already done the Passe-Partout theme.
Now I’m gonna spend all night doing air recorder.
You can relax now, folks. Otakuthon is over.
You’ll be pleased to know that bleeding penises are valid excuses for speeding. Even if they’re not yours.
(There Jeff, I posted one of your stories. Happy now?)
UPDATE: Farked.
I got this email this morning:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Thurai Moorthy <xxxxx>
Date: Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 10:52 AM
Subject: United Earth Day, June 21, 2008, Saturday 5:00-11:00 PM, at 4775 Anthime,Pierrefonds, Quebec H9H 4L3, Please Publsh and Send a Reporter
To: letters@thegazette.canwest.comUnited Earth Organization (UEOG)
United Earth Day, June 21, 2008, Saturday 5:00-11:00 PM local time, everywhere on Earth, (local location at 4775 Anthime,Pierrefonds, Quebec H9H 4L3) in your own space. Neighbours, friends, relatives. Inform everyone from Tokyo to Vancouver. Visit starting at 5:00 PM Tokyo time and continuing east ward at 5:00 PM local time around the globe. United Earth Organization (UEOG), Presentation, Music, Dance. Vegetarian potluck, No disposables.
Folowing ing messsage is meant for the editor and not for publication:
Please send a reporter to cover the above event.
[Contact info here deleted]
Some suggestions: