Category Archives: Photos
Caption CFCF anchor Paul Karwatsky and GM Louis Douville
Caption these folks from CHOM
Caption Virgin Radio Brand Director Mark Bergman

(He's the one on the left)
Caption Frank Cavallaro
Caption CJAD’s Andrew Carter and Chantal Desjardins
Caption Catherine Sherriffs interviewing Todd van der Heyden
Caption The Beat’s Sarah Bartok
Caption Terry DiMonte
Caption Debra Arbec and Andrew Chang
Caption Jamie Orchard
(Bonus points if you edit this photo to insert a funny background)
Caption CTV’s Christine Long
Caption Natasha Gargiulo and Freeway Frank
Terry DiMonte’s first day at CHOM … again
There are some things at CHOM that will always be constant: The name, the format, the listeners complaining that the same songs get played over and over, and every decade or so the program director deciding to shake things up by putting Terry DiMonte back on mornings.
DiMonte began his first shift back at Montreal’s Spirit of Rock on Monday, and I managed to score an invitation to see it from the studio (even if it meant pulling an all-nighter after a late shift at work). This is the story of that day.

Terry DiMonte reads the paper just before he starts his first show. (And by "the paper", I mean the section in Saturday's Gazette seemingly devoted to him)